Makes sense. Why couldnt' the earth be hollow? All you have to do is look at fictional works to find your truths. The answers hidden in plain sight where they are taken as pure fiction. So, ya, I believe the hollow earth, agartha "theory". Besides, they have told us for years, and i'm sure you've all heard it said at one point or another, "the truth is often stranger than fiction".

Men in Black stated it very well when they said that a galaxy can be any size. the one in the movie was located inside a bell looking thing on the cat's collar. So why is it so hard to believe that there is another civilization inside the planet that we live 'on'. We've been lied to for so long, and like the article on that website above states: "This Hollow Earth thing is the best-kept secret of them all."

We're told these lies are 'for our own good', 'to protect us', but that's a load of BS if I've ever heard it.
Here you are again, just blowing more smoke.

We don't actually know what causes this thing we call 'gravity'. I don't believe it is from ANY of the explanations that we have been given over the years. These are ALL theories.

There is more proof showing that there is something more at the poles of the earth than we are told. It's covered up all the time. First hand accounts as well as satellite photos (unaltered as well as the obviously doctored).

I think you're a lot smarter than what you put on. I think you are here solely to cause conflict. So be it. Have fun, it just causes more to be said to prove everything you say wrong, in one way or another. And if you truly believe what you are saying, I truly hope that you can wake up, and soon. If argueing is the way to wake you up, then I'm willing to take that challenge. Frustrating as it may be, I hope someone gets something out of this.

Bring it on Doubter!
"The thing we call gravity" is a small attraction between two or more objects, all objects have there own gravity, but with a bigger mass comes a bigger gravity force. For example, if two large boats are left still in the sea, they will slowly drift together, this is not magic, it is GRAVITY! Another example, what is a black hole? A black whole was once a VERY large object, a sun, to be precise, which when lost stability due to lack of fuel imploded in on itself, literally pulling itself to to a very small size, many times what it once was, but what does this have to do with gravity? Well, because it still has the same mass (but at a much smaller size) it's gravity is much more focused, so much so that not even light can escape it. THAT is gravity.

Also, the idea that the Earth is hollow? ... Even thinking that idea is an insult to the intelligence of the human race, i'm pretty laid back in letting people believe what they like, but the Earth being hollow? That just makes no sense at all, for example, have you heard of solar wind? No? Well, solar wind is "flares" which come from the sun, that without an atmosphere and a magnetic field we would be like mars, a planet barren and destroyed. So what makes the magnetic field? Iron. And a hell of a lot of it. More than we can ever have here on the surface, so where else could it be? Yes, that's right, the only place left for it is the core.

There are many other ways to prove the existence of a core to the Earth, such as: When you mine so far down, it gets hot, it gets hot because of the molten rock the people mine close to. And: When a volcano erupts where does the magma come from? Or how about: If the Earth is hollow, wouldn't it just collapse in on itself? Or even: If the Earth was hollow, it would spin around the sun at a different rate, meaning we would be either flung into space or sucked into the sun. And also: What about the numerous meteors that have hurtled into Earth, like the one that killed the dinosaurs, wouldn't they have punched through the surface? And last but not least: The Earth was formed by molten rock grouping together so isn't it impossible that the Earth was formed hollow?

Ha, that's it, my argument. Have fun trying to disprove my facts and convince others of your rubbish. Hmm, who knew a 16yr old could know so much, eh? Well, that's what T.V. does to ya!
First let me start off by saying hello my mind is not of yours hollow earth is indeed real and you would be a fool to not believe it us as humans are comming up on the biggest change in our life and this being are asscention into the 5th dimension look it up for proof but im not here about that im here to let you know that you are not alone in your mind you have endless capabilities are government does not want you to tap into simply because you would be classified as a threat of national security and killed!!! I want to encourage all to research this hollow earth theory. And let your minds remain open a closed mind is never used for anything but a hat rack remember that as you go about your day feel free to contact me

the truth behind the lies
So you are telling me that the government is bending the rules of physics just to tell us the earth is hollow, and if we find out, they will kill us? I think I hear sirens approaching... attachment 731

For anybody thinking about the Hollow Earth theory follow this link:

This is the info contained:

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Hollow Earth Hypothesis,Subterranean civilizations,agartha

Part 3: Hollow Earth

What would the gravity be of the Earth devoid of an iron core being hollow inside?

I'm pretty sure if the hollow Earth theory was true we would all be floating around it. No on second thought we wouldn't because we would all be dead as we would lose our atmosphere and suffocate to death. The plant would be completely frozen too.
"The thing we call gravity" is a small attraction between two or more objects, all objects have there own gravity, but with a bigger mass comes a bigger gravity force. For example, if two large boats are left still in the sea, they will slowly drift together, this is not magic, it is GRAVITY! Another example, what is a black hole? A black whole was once a VERY large object, a sun, to be precise, which when lost stability due to lack of fuel imploded in on itself, literally pulling itself to to a very small size, many times what it once was, but what does this have to do with gravity? Well, because it still has the same mass (but at a much smaller size) it's gravity is much more focused, so much so that not even light can escape it. THAT is gravity.

Also, the idea that the Earth is hollow? ... Even thinking that idea is an insult to the intelligence of the human race, i'm pretty laid back in letting people believe what they like, but the Earth being hollow? That just makes no sense at all, for example, have you heard of solar wind? No? Well, solar wind is "flares" which come from the sun, that without an atmosphere and a magnetic field we would be like mars, a planet barren and destroyed. So what makes the magnetic field? Iron. And a hell of a lot of it. More than we can ever have here on the surface, so where else could it be? Yes, that's right, the only place left for it is the core.

There are many other ways to prove the existence of a core to the Earth, such as: When you mine so far down, it gets hot, it gets hot because of the molten rock the people mine close to. And: When a volcano erupts where does the magma come from? Or how about: If the Earth is hollow, wouldn't it just collapse in on itself? Or even: If the Earth was hollow, it would spin around the sun at a different rate, meaning we would be either flung into space or sucked into the sun. And also: What about the numerous meteors that have hurtled into Earth, like the one that killed the dinosaurs, wouldn't they have punched through the surface? And last but not least: The Earth was formed by molten rock grouping together so isn't it impossible that the Earth was formed hollow?

Ha, that's it, my argument. Have fun trying to disprove my facts and convince others of your rubbish. Hmm, who knew a 16yr old could know so much, eh? Well, that's what T.V. does to ya!

The idea I believe is that the mantle is stuck to the inside of the hollow sphere giving light and warmth to the world below. A smaller sphere on which magical beings live wearing pointy hats and shoes with bells attached to the ends. They sing and dance selecting at time humans to live with them. I mean they are real. The Hobbit posts on this site you know. :highly_amused: Check this site's membership!
Only one response to this statement:

""This Hollow Earth thing is the best-kept secret of them all."

No..... the best kept secret is the one that has never EVER been mentioned! <g> Linda