Holocaust: The ‘word’ Rouhani never uttered


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The Zionist controlled media outlets (CNN, The Guardian, WSJ, NYT, Daily Beast, Times of Israel, CBS, Haaretz, FP, UPI, Todayonline, , etc.) claimed a victory for the ‘Holocaust Industry’, by claiming that Iran’s new president Hassan Rouhani has rejected his predecessor, Dr. Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial. Their claim was based on an interview (aired on Wednesday) Rouhani gave to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. She quoted Rouhani saying “I’ve said before that I am not a historian, and when it comes to speaking of the dimensions of the Holocaust, it is the historians that should reflect”.

Interestingly, according to Iran’s official translation of Rouhani’s interview, he never used the “word” Holocaust. When confronted for her lie, Christiane Amanpour, who speaks Persian fluently, blamed the Iranian translator for the distortion of Rouhani’s statement.

To be honest, I don’t blame Christiane Amanpour. She is doing what everyone working for the corporate media is required to do; LIE, Lie, and if you’re caught lying – fabricate more lies to cover the previous lies. The American media including CNN, is controlled by seven Zionist Jews.

CNN’s anchors, Wolf Blitzer (former Jewish employee of AIPAC), Larry King (an Israel-Firster Zionist Jew), Fareed Zakaria (with Jewish wife, Paula Throckmorton) and Christiane Amanpour (with Jewish husband, James Rubin) – are all agents of Zionism. Now, if Hassan Rouhani expects these Zionist liars to prove his “moderate” credentials to the West, that’s fine with me.

American investigative writer and author, Robert Parry, claimed on September 19, 2009 that Ahmadinejad never denied Holocaust. He just challenged Israel and the western powers to allow an open debate to find the truth behind the Zionist Holy Cow, “Six Million Died”. Read Parry’s article here.

Seyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm, editor-in-chief, Semi-official Fars News Agency (English) has also accused Amanpour of mistranslating Rouhani’s statements.

“When CNN aired an interview with Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani this week that mislead the public and world media through its falsified translation of President’s remarks about the Holocaust, and when, after FNA’s protest, it sought to project the blame on others, many, specially here in Tehran, started wondering if the American network would have shrugged off an apology for misinforming the public, had a similar case happened in an interview with US President Barack Obama,” wrote Khoshcheshm.

Mr. Khoshcheshm you need to climb-down from your moral world. In the West, information means “Hasbara” (Yiddish for propaganda). In Canada, we call it Jingoism instead of journalism.

Khoshcheshm claims that the Jewish Wall Street Journal’s Iranian-born Editor Sohrab Ahmari after listening to Rouhani’s interview in Persian, agreed that Rouhani never uttered the word Holocaust. Read Khoshcheshm’s response to Amanpour’s lies here.

Frankly, I was doubtful when I was told that Nazis killed 11 million Jews out of Europe’s 7 million population. Nor when the estimate came down to 9 millions – followed by 6 millions, 4 millions, and the current 2.5 millions posted at the Auschwitz Holocaust Museum in Poland. You know why? I read Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut’s 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah’, in which the late Rabbi blamed the Frankist Jews for committing the Holocaust.

Holocaust: The ?word? Rouhani never uttered | Rehmat's World