[Question?] I hope that I never


New member
I hope I never give a link that spams as I don't wish to be banned here. Take it from me I wouldn't know exactly how to do that, I didn't even know that it could be done that way. Is there away to tell it does that so I can avoid it?
I don't think you have to worry about that.

Spamming is when someone is pushing something for purely their own gain and not for actually helping other people, like when the links are for selling something.

Linking to other useful information or to the articles that pertain to topics on this site are fine; that gets discussion going on the topics that are found around the internet.
Thank you Lady of Light for the clarification.

Then its similar to junk e-mail, which is an unwanted nuisance most of it doesn't pertain to me, and what would, well, who has the money to spare for that stuff, not us anyway. Mirosoft blocking doesn't work, neither does marking it has a junk or phishing scam. I just keep getting the hateful stuff. So much for their technology. then it goes into the deleted area and is annoying there. These computer corporations must get a good take on these things.
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Yes, just like junkmail, and even beyond.

I know what you mean about blocking it in the email. It doesn't work well because most of them come from different email addresses even though they look identical. I get hundreds per day. Some of my favorites include the ones about the IRS, lol, or even the ones that say UPS in the sender and then in the message it says FEDEX.

Ya, so, no, I can't see you EVER spamming, even by accident, and even if you did, you would be warned, not banned; you've been here long enough that we trust you.
Thank you again for reassurance, I know I don't like the junk e-mail either. I thought it was bad that if I can't get on the wi-fi for a few days I have between 50 and I think the highest amount was 80 by the time I do get back on. 100's a day, I would be really be griping to Microsoft about it.LOL ( I kept microsoft just for the pictures my friends neices/1 nephew (just got marrieed) and two cousins sometime send her the other one I like better but the attached e-mail clogs up the free portion, then they want me to upgrade: not happening at least not in this lifetime LOL).

Some of my favorites "pre-approved credit cards from Capitol one, they must be desperate for acounts if they come knocking at my e-mail for it LOL if I trusted it which I don't, not in a New York minute, thanks to recession my credit is unfortunately beyond repair, save for a very big Miracle and it would take a Miracle for us to win in either Powerball or Lotto. So, similarly the ones that say know your credit score, and the e-loan things. They are definately waisting their time trying to get me on those types of spam.
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I think it is important to point out the fact that companies like Microsoft and Google have a major influence on how information travels through the internet. Money-making schemes like Quick Bank [?] for instance, rely on getting as much traffic directed towards their "virtual" product .... so the question then arises "Which sector of professionals are the most savy at manipulating the flow of information through the internet?"

None other than Information Technology hackers. The same IT professionals at companies like Microsoft and Google [CONEXANT] disguise themselves as "guru's" and the ugly reality is how their six digit annual salary isn't enough for them. The unfortunate joke is on everyone buying into it because all that extra income is tax-free and even off-shore.
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yes, I know the superrich elite can never have enough money, most of them don't even know (or I hate to say perhaps they don't care) that there are people out there struggling in this country.
yes, I know the superrich elite can never have enough money, most of them don't even know (or I hate to say perhaps they don't care) that there are people out there struggling in this country.

I know a couple of them personally and unfortunately, they don't care.
Not to go off topic here but the problem is Freemasonry because these individuals do not have a soul, at least not the soul they were born with .... and I say that quite literally.
Interesting idea, that would explain the downright callousness of their never ending quest for more money.
How interesting, I've never encountered one that I know of.

They are masters of disguise and if you over run into someone with an Eastern European accent, who says they are "homeless" yet communicate with above average native English speaking ability, and have impeccable personal hygiene while wearing a near vintage Armani suit ... don't buy the act because they prey on sentiment.
Ianchrist..... You baffle me. How can you say that these " masters of disguise" are so easily recognized?

And I am also baffled by how you equate great wealth with evil, and bottomless greed. Because you have known one or two evil rich people?

That should be an indication that your survey certainly wasn't wide enough.

Not to go off topic here but the problem is Freemasonry because these individuals do not have a soul, at least not the soul they were born with .... and I say that quite literally.

Ianchris.... could you expand on what you mean here? Thanks. Linda
Ianchris.... could you expand on what you mean here? Thanks. Linda

When one becomes a Freemason there is a ritual that is performed. It takes three episodes to complete. During that process, the individual's soul is exchanged for another soul. Because the exchange is consenting, there is no internal conflict so on the surface, there is no indication that anything has changed. The Catholic church performs exorcisms because the soul is fighting an invasion which it does not consent to, thereby displaying external indications of what is understood as "possession"

When I look at someone, I do not see them with my eyes, I feel them with my soul. I never conducted a survey, I speak only from personal experience. I am sure that many wealthy people are not evil or greedy. My deceased friend was extremely wealthy, and he was a very good person. Self-centered, but no one is perfect.

However I was directing my comment towards the people who are preying on society, they are evil and greedy.

For the record, I had never met anyone that wasn't wealthy until I was abut 25 years old. I was in Brazil and that experience humbled me. Until then, I thought poverty didn't exist.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts....This too was very interesting...

When one becomes a Freemason there is a ritual that is performed. It takes three episodes to complete. During that process, the individual's soul is exchanged for another soul. Because the exchange is consenting, there is no internal conflict so on the surface, there is no indication that anything has changed.

On another thread here on this Forum there was quite a discussion about astral traveling and meeting " other entities" where the possibilities that one of those entities could come back with the person into this dimension and sort of " attach" itself to that persons..... essence.... soul?... personality? Are we talking about the same thing here?


Yes we are .. and we have crossed paths although I have not yet pinpointed the exact time and place. I have been speaking out against Freemasonry for a little over six months now.