Impressive: the sun as you never saw


Impressive: the sun as you never saw
Last updated: Friday, March 20 at 00:23, 11 times

You have been waiting all winter and the arrival of spring makes her nice entry: The Sunday In order to make you hot, enjoy this spectacular series of images.

Solar Flame, September 30, 2001.

Our moon, the sun, on February 25, 2007. It is 4.4 times smaller than we see them from here because the photo was taken by the Stereo-B spacecraft, which was 4.4 times further from the moon compared to the earth.

Another protuberans: September 29, 2008. The cloud is actually ionized helium to 60,000 degrees - a very cool gas clouds.

Close-up of the sun: it is never really quiet there ...

A coronal mass ejection or CME as at January 8, 2002 are billions of tons of matter to one million kilometers per hour.

A protuberans is a long, erratic bridge formed matter in the atmosphere of the Sunday If such a cloud is visible against the background of the solar disk than it looks dark and he said filament. Prominences may be around 50,000 to 100,000 km (approximately 5 to 10% of the diameter of the sun) above the surface of the sun out.

You have been waiting all winter and the arrival of spring makes her glad entry: The Sunday In order to make you hot, enjoy this spectacular series of images.

You have been waiting all winter and the arrival of spring makes her glad entry: The Sunday In order to make you hot, enjoy this spectacular series of images.

The small spot in the sun is Mercury.

View the rest of the pictures here: # HLN Wetenschap - Indrukwekkend: de zon zoals u ze nog nooit zag (780553) album

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