[ALERT!] Is The Right to Bear Arms going Away


New member
While I don't have a gun, I don't believe that if you go by legal means of getting and take care of your weapon, and be very prudent on if you have to use it and how, there's nothing constitutionally wrong with carrying a weapon. As long as its done within the law.

These criminals always seem to know where to get them, and its a shame that people who do have weapons and are wiling to obey the law when using them are now not going to have that option.


Finally, after weeks of virtual silence, a corporate media venue is warning about the threat posed to the Second Amendment by the United Nations’ so-called “Small Arms Treaty.”“It may not come as surprising news to many of you that the United Nations doesn’t approve of our Second Amendment. Not one bit. And they very much hope to do something about it with help from sThe United States joined 152 other nations and officially supported the U.N. Arms Treaty Resolution in January of 2010. Secretary of State Clinton has promised to push the treaty through the Senate.
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Of course they want to take that right away. If we don't have any guns to protect ourselves, then they can round us all up, kill us, do what they want with us and we can't fight back effectively. I think that's been one of their plans that's been in the works for a while now. I don't think that'll go over too well in Texas though.
Yes, I know they're preparing the FEMA camps for such an event. I do think the true Texans would give them a run for the money though, as they know and might still be taught (I don't know about the school system there that they were once a Republic, in their own right. Now I'm not political enough to know exactly what that means, but I've heard we were meant to be a Republic and they call us a Democracy.

One of these days I'll remember to Google it and find the exact differences.
Yes, I know they're preparing the FEMA camps for such an event. I do think the true Texans would give them a run for the money though, as they know and might still be taught (I don't know about the school system there that they were once a Republic, in their own right. Now I'm not political enough to know exactly what that means, but I've heard we were meant to be a Republic and they call us a Democracy.

One of these days I'll remember to Google it and find the exact differences.

Ya, i don't know much about that stuff either, just read what I read here and there, I don't claim to understand all of it. So many pieces to this puzzle of a life we live in.

Texans won't give up for a second. I do believe it's the South that will put up the good fight and get the "revolution" going and we may even win because of it. Just some thoughts, that's all. I've been thinking that for a while now.
Hopefully, it will begin and end at the voting booths, with us kicking them all out of work Unfortunate, I hear they get to keep their benefits even after they leave office. Must be nice to be able to manipulate benefits like that, huh.
The voting booths are supposed to be the peaceful way to do it, but when vote tallying is corrupt, voting booths can't be answer. The only sheer way to change the world is through information. We need to get information to people who are in positions of power and get them to understand what the true situation is here on the planet. So when the time comes the evil cabal that runs this planet will not be able to count on their lower minions, such as police and military.
Yes, I agree you can't even trust the voting booths anymore especially if they have electronic voting. I think there are a few places that still do it the old-fashioned way, at least I think they did during the last major election.
It's all fixed, it's all rigged. If I thought for 1 iota of a second that it wasn't, then maybe I'd vote. they say that voting makes a difference, but how can it when your vote isn't counted as anything but what THEY want in the first place. These puppets will do whatever they want and we the people or rather the sheeple accept and let it go. As much as I don't like guns, it seems to be the only way to not take our rights away. but i'm rambling.
Oh, I know its all fixed but I secretly hope that it isn't. Even though like you I don't vote, I don't believe in either party any more. I hope that nothing else happens. It's bad enough there is unrest in other countries.
I always wonder what would happen if nobody actually voted in a major election? What would they do?
I don't know but here's what happened when a town decided to go with a write in vote. The animals couldn't be much worse. At least they couldn't filibuster us to boredom. :)

Alaska Town's Cat Mayor: Feline Mayor Is The Cat's Pajamas

The part-Manx cat clawed his way onto the political scene of Talkeetna, Alaska, through a write-in campaign shortly after he was born 15 years ago.

Alaska Town's Cat Mayor: Feline Mayor Is The Cat's Pajamas
