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American Jewish organizations played the midwife for the creation of South Sudan. The Zionist regime encouraged over 1,500 South Sudanese to migrate to Israel for anti-Khartoum propaganda and cheap labor to replace the Palestinian workforce from Hamas-governed Gaza Strip.

The Zionist entity recognized the new state of South Sudan – one day after its declaration of independence from motherland (Sudan) on July 9, 2011. Three weeks later, the Zionist entity, exchanged diplomatic realtions with South Sudan.

Now that those South Sudanese refugees have served Israel’s political agenda against the largest African Muslim nation - the old anti-Black Jewish racism has raised its ugly head in the Zionist entity. Currently, Israeli Jews are roiting against the presence of African migrants from South Sudan and Eritrea and demanding their expulsion from the so-called “Jewish Promised Land“.

The Knesset member, Miri Regev, has compared these migrants as “cancer in Israe’s body“. Another Knesset member, Yulia Shamalov Berkovitch, said that “all human right activists supporting African immigrants should be improned and transported to camps being build for African refugees in the South“.

Today, a Jerusalem District Court ruled out that the Zionist regime has the right to deport the South Sudanese refugees (migrants). Israel’s interior minister, Eli Yishai, has claimed that court decision has paved the way for the deportation of 1,500 South Sudanese (illegal) refugees – and that it will set a precedent to allow the deportation of African nationals from other African countries.

The wave of violence in Israel against African migrant workers and asylum seekers, in which nearly a dozen Jews of Ethiopian origin also have been attacked in the past few weeks, has forced Ethiopian Jewish community of over 70,000 to deal with race in a way they have until now mostly avoided.

“I have a law degree and a master’s degree. I served in the Army. Another friend of mines who was beaten up is a PhD candidate. We are Israeli citizens. But none of that matters. Ever since we came, the state has treated us as if we should say thank you for anything we receive, as if we have no rights as Jews and Israelis. But now we are affraid because in the eyes of White Jews, we are first of all Blacks,” Elias Inbram, former spokesperson for Israeli embassy in South Africa, told JTA (June 4, 2012).

Some other ‘gems’ from the Zionist lawmakers:

“These infiltrators could threaten the Jewish and democratic state (??). We will begin by removing the infiltrators from South Sudan and move on to the others…. Whoever can be sent away should be sent away from here as quickly as possible,” Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of the Zionist entity.

“Muslims that arrive here do not even believe that this country belongs to us, to the White man,” Eli Yishai, Israeli interior minister.

“Israel is at war. An enemy state of infiltrators was established in Israel, and its capital is south Tel Aviv,” Danny Danon, Likud (on his Facebook page).

Watch a video below on Jewish Zionists’ racism against Blacks.
