
According to John Hamer, the Masonic ritual murder of four prostitutes was carried out by Winston Churchill's father, Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, 1849-1895 (left.) The prostitutes were blackmailing the royal family.

"Churchill was not only the 'brains' behind the entire operation, but he was also personally responsible for the cutting of Masonic emblems and symbols into the bodies of the victims, whilst William Gull's surgeon's hands performed the organ removals."

John Hamer, 59, has a horse-racing business in Yorkshire. This is an excerpt from his book, 'The Falsification of History - Our Distorted Reality' which will be published in mid 2012. John can be contacted at

The story begins in the late summer of 1888, the heyday of Queen Victoria's reign, in the gas-lit streets of London, when a woman's horrifically mutilated body was discovered in a tawdry slum street in the Whitechapel area of east London....

On the evening of the 31st August 1888 the body of Mary Ann Nicholls, a common prostitute, was found prostrate on a pavement. She had been brutally hacked to death, her throat having been slit. Devastating cuts to her torso exposed her internal organs. She was the first of five victims of the now legendary killer 'Jack the Ripper'.

The so-called 'Ripper' murders came under the jurisdiction of the London Metropolitan Police Force and in particular an Inspector by the name of Frederick George Abberline.

It is important to note that the diaries of Frederick Abberline did not see light of day until around 70 years after the unsolved murders. They were in the possession of Walter Sickert, art tutor to Prince Albert Victor, the Duke of Clarence otherwise known by his colloquial name of 'Prince Eddy'.

Eddy was the eldest son of Albert Edward the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) and Princess Alexandra (later Queen Alexandra), the grandson of the reigning monarch, Queen Victoria and older brother of the future king of England, King George V and as such would have been first in line to the throne.

Unfortunately, due to centuries of Royal in-breeding, Eddy was partially deaf and of well below average intelligence and was thus shunned by the majority of his cold-hearted family.

Queen Victoria, the reigning monarch at the time was a great supporter and patron of Freemasonry as were all the Royal males of the age (and as they still are today). Indeed it was the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family (the current British royals) had sponsored the rise of Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, originally a Freemasonry offshoot, in Bavaria in the 18th century. Weishaupt was indeed born and raised in the Bavarian town of Gotha.

There are several Masonic lodges in the Royal palaces of Britain, the most significant one perhaps being the Royal Alpha Lodge in Kensington Palace. In 1885 Prince Eddy was initiated into the Royal Alpha Lodge at the behest of his father.


As well as his membership of the lodge, Eddy was also a regular 'customer' at a homosexual-paedophile brothel in Cleveland Street, London and indiscreetly instigated a series of explicit love-letters with a young boy employed at these most vile of premises.

The well-known Satanist, Aleister Crowley had these letters in his possession for many years but eventually they were lost or more likely destroyed. Eddy had also made a young Catholic 'commoner' of Irish descent by the name of Annie Elizabeth Crook, pregnant with his child.

Eddy had foolishly married her in a clandestine church service and this in effect barred him from ever becoming king as British royals are not permitted to marry Catholics, let alone a commoner bearing an illegitimate child.

In 1883, Eddy's mother, Princess Alexandra, had asked the young painter Walter Sickert to introduce Eddy to the artistic and literary life of London.

Sickert's studio was at 15 Cleveland Street near to Tottenham Court Road in north London. He duly introduced the teenage Prince to many of the area's 'bohemian types', including the theatrical friends he had made when he had been a minor member of the Lyceum Company.

Sickert also introduced Eddy to one of his models, a pretty Irish Catholic girl, the afore-mentioned Annie Crook who lived nearby at 6 Cleveland Street and who worked by day in a local tobacconist's shop.

They fell for each other and, according to Sickert, went through two clandestine marriage ceremonies, one Anglican and one Catholic. Soon afterwards Annie became pregnant and her employer needed someone to fill in for her during her confinement.

Walter Sickert was asked if he knew anyone suitable and, after consulting friends, found a young girl called Mary Jean Kelly from the Providence Row Night Refuge for Women in Whitechapel.

For some months, Mary worked alongside Annie Crook in the shop and the two became friends. In due course, on the 18th April 1885, Annie gave birth to Eddy's daughter, Alice Margaret, in the Marylebone Workhouse.

When she returned home, her new friend Mary Kelly moved in as the child's nursemaid. Mary also worked as a prostitute in the evenings to supplement her meagre income.

Naturally, Eddy absolutely enraged the establishment with his 'illicit' marriage which threatened to spark a constitutional crisis of major proportions. So, as is always the case, the monarchy set in motion a huge cover-up operation.

Annie was kidnapped from the shop where she worked and at the same time Eddy was confined to Buckingham Palace.

Fortunately, fearing the worst, Annie had given the child, Alice to Walter Sickert for safekeeping shortly before she was forcefully taken to Guy's Hospital in London.

She remained there for five months and whilst she was there, Sir William Gull, the Queen's personal physician performed a partial frontal lobotomy on her, in effect rendering her docile and compliant and thus easily controlled by these inhuman monsters.

Certified insane by Gull, Annie lived for the rest of her life in institutions, spending her last days in the Lunacy Observation ward of St George's Union Workhouse, Chelsea and dying there in obscurity in early 1920 at the age of 57.


There the matter might have ended, but for Mary Kelly's greed. Back in Whitechapel, Mary had befriended three other local prostitutes to whom she boasted of her 'royal connections.' In the spring of 1888 the quartet hatched a plan to demand money from Walter Sickert, threatening to otherwise make the story public.

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