
  1. R

    Rabbi: ‘Frankist Jews committed Holocaust’

    Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (born 1912), former president of Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) and Chaief Rabbi at Toronto’s Holy Blossom Temple, died last month. In his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah‘, Plaut wrote that Frankist Jews were responsible for the Holocaust. The book’s ‘Forward’...
  2. New UFO Hunter

    US and Congress consultant admits official ET contact

    Conspiracy theorists have circulated increased rumors in recent months that the meeting between President Eisenhower and people from another planet took place. But the claims from Tymothy Good, a former U.S. Congress and Pentagon consultant, are the first to be made publicly by a prominent...
  3. New UFO Hunter

    Disclosure Daily Mail ... President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens.

    Mainstream with the Daily Mail...drip drip>>> President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens, former Pentagon consultant claims Ex-President met with extra-terrestrials on three separate occasions at New Mexico air base Eisenhower and FBI officials organised the meetings by...
  4. Denise

    Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s'..!

    Friday, 30 September 2011 Painting depicting an aged Adolf Hitler in his 70s "The biggest revelation is an authenticated secret German document which lists Hitler as one of the passengers evacuated by plane from Austria to Barcelona on April 26, 1945." Although official history contends...
  5. R

    Dean of RAF under Lobby’s knife

    Dean of the Royal Air Force College, Dr. Joel Hayward (born 1964) is being demonized by pro-Israel media for criticizing British and NATO’s invasion of Libya. That proves, like Sudan and Syria – Israel is a major player behind regime change in Libya. On Monday, NATO ‘liberated’ 85 innocent...
  6. Denise

    "Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father

    FYI: Quote: According to John Hamer, the Masonic ritual murder of four prostitutes was carried out by Winston Churchill's father, Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, 1849-1895 (left.) The prostitutes were blackmailing the royal family. "Churchill was not only the 'brains' behind...
  7. Unhypnotized

    3 World Wars Planned by Illuminati Alber Pike in 1871! Everything About NWO!

    Pike's Letter to Mazzini (August 15, 1871) This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. It is a commonly believed fallacy...

    Republican Endangered Species Will Be Key to 2012

    NEW YORK – Republican Endangered Species Will Be Key to 2012Instead of striving for party purity, GOP elephants and grizzlies must accept moderates and RINOs if they’re going to have a prayer against Obama in 2012. Mark McKinnon on why Mitch Daniels and Haley Barbour are on the right track. If...
  9. buttman302

    This Day In History January 11

    This Day In History January 11 11th day of 2011 - 354 remaining Tuesday, January 11, 2011 GENTLE BEN DAY Texans are always ready to boast about their native sons. Well, on this date in 1952, another soon-to-be-famous Texan was born. Ben D. Crenshaw came into the world at Austin, Texas. As he...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Quotes by Famous People

    UFO Quotes from famous people including presidents, politicians and military people etc. Government Leaders President Harry S. Truman , 1950: "I can assure you that flying saucers -- given that they exist -- are not constructed by any power on Earth." President Dwight D. Eisenhower...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    Winston Churchill may have ordered UFO cover-up

    National Archives files show Winston Churchill may have ordered UFO cover-up: BRITAIN'S Ministry of Defence investigated a claim that Winston Churchill ordered a cover-up of a UFO sighting during World War II, according to files released by the National Archives. Documents from the MoD unit...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Radio Ghost Mystery at Former RAF Station

    06-14-2010 03:15 AM A 70-year-old radio at a Scottish heritage centre has been picking up vintage broadcasts featuring Winston Churchill and the music of Glen Miller. The Pye valve wireless at Montrose Air Station, a heritage centre that tells the story of the men and women who served there...
  13. Unhypnotized

    When is it OK to call people Nazis? When they’re Euro-sceptics

    Daniel Hannan London Telegraph March 4, 2010 According to Guy Verhofstadt, a former Belgian Prime Minister who now leads the Liberals in the European Parliament, “The ultimate consequences of identity thinking are the gas chambers of Auschwitz“. Politicians should be careful about dragging...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Late author Michael Crichton warned of global warming?s dangerous parallels to eugeni

    Aaron Dykes December 1, 2009 Best-selling author Michael Crichton became a noted critic of the highly-politicized ‘global warming’ agenda before his death in 2008. What has now shifted into the “climate change” issue was a central theme in his 2004 novel State of Fear...
  15. Unhypnotized

    History Unfolding

    David Kaiser Infowars October 17, 2009 I am a student of history. Professionally, I have written 15 books on history that have been published in six languages, and I have studied history all my life. I have come to think there is something monumentally large afoot, and I do not believe it is...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty, Claims British Lord

    Fightin’ Words October 15, 2009 The Minnesota Free Market Institute hosted an event at Bethel University in St. Paul on Wednesday evening. Keynote speaker Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, gave a scathing and lengthy presentation...
  17. CASPER

    Heckling of president is rare in American history

    Some 150 years ago, a congressman from South Carolina, angered by a speech on slavery, entered the Senate chamber and beat a senator from Massachusetts into unconsciousness with a metal-topped wooden cane. Years earlier on the House floor, a representative from Vermont attacked a colleague from...
  18. CASPER

    Criminal Rothschilds

    "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." ~ Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschilds wife I am one of those who do not believe the national debt is a national blessing... it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the...
  19. CASPER


    Years passed before she suggested to me—in a letter—that she possessed a photograph I had come to believe was lost. It was a portrait of myself, an infant scowling, a Churchill on my grandfather's knee. He was a young man then, younger than I am now, and between his teeth he clenches a pipe. His...
  20. R

    NATO's Drive Into Eastern Europe Tenth Anniversary

    NATO's Drive Into Eastern Europe Tenth Anniversary by Rick Rozoff Global Research, March 14, 2009 Stop NATO March 12 of this year marked the tenth anniversary of NATO expanding into Eastern Europe and incorporating former members of its Warsaw Pact rival. Nine years after the George H.W...