Kate of Gaia - Babylon Is Fallen: Free Yourself of the CROWN CORPORATION!

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Babylon Is Fallen

Here is a companion document which contains Kate's 'Babylon Is Fallen', set-up as a printable, foldout brochure.
Link - http://kateofgaia.files.wordpress.co...utbrochure.pdf
Babylon Is Fallen
by kate u/v kaia

1. NAME: The master key to the entire system's/CROWN CORPORATION'S game. The NAME is the lynch pin to the entire legal/control construct. Without a LEGAL NAME, which is your consent by agreeing to be said NAME, the system vampires cannot literally feed on your life blood/creation source energy that is typically shown in the physical materials we collect. It is only the CONSENT to be/use/have a LEGAL NAME/Mark of the Beast that is required for your absolute spiritual contract/deal with the devil motif to be in FULL FORCE AND EFFECT with you as a SLAVE and them as MASTER. For PROOF of this, look and see how much of your life/existence involves a LEGAL NAME and you will see the measure of control the system has over you.

2. REGISTER/REGISTRATION etc. : Any/all things registered are FULLY SURRENDERED with consent to the CROWN CORPORATION with NO legal recourse until such things are removed by exposing the INTENT by those who serve the CROWN CORPORATION to commit fraud knowingly/unknowingly.
ex: A child that is REGISTERED is CROWN PROPERTY by ignorant consent where the truth of REGISTERING was not brought forth which is the original INTENT by CROWN CORPORATION SERVANT'S OWNERS to have people offer their children unknowingly into slavery of soul, and thus, body. It's the soul they're really after, so keep that in mind.
3. MONEY, GOLD, SILVER, ASSETS, BITCOIN etc. are ALL illusions of value where YOU are the true creator of all physical manifestations. Money, external value, has been the tool as the third party interloper "middle man" that has made draining your power possible. Money or the like only has value if one has been duped into thinking it does. This illusion is the ultimate distraction and destroyer of creator souls, literally. ALL money is based on the soul CONTRACT commonly known as a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

4. BIRTH CERTIFICATE: The ORIGINAL SIN CONTRACT. The NAME you think/claim as yours is NOT your creation. Your "assumed NAME" was created by your parents/family members/adoptive kin, NOT YOU. This is an ORIGINAL CREATION manifested by another that is, in turn, REGISTERED thus rendering it CROWN CORPORATION PROPERTY as previously stated. It is upon this deception that YOUR literal soul was and is enslaved and upon which ALL MONEY/DEBT is created. A DEBT BOND "value" was placed in the BIRTH CERTIFICATE based on the assumed accruement of TAXES, LOANS, DEBTS a child is expected to pay as long as they are part of this FRAUD upon humanity.
ex: If someone is expected to pay a certain amount of taxes etc. in their lifetime, the BOND is given a DEBT "VALUE". A child born into a wealthy family will have a higher debt bond value than someone who is of a lesser perceived "income bracket" rating. This is slave trading at its finest which divides and conquers humanity in the SERF/CASTE/HIERARCHY system that encompasses the planet.

5. COMMAND AND CONTROL: The courts and governments are the system slaves within, bought and paid for where the true command and control aspects are the POLICE/MILITARY as the front line dogs and fear contractors for those above the courts and governments such as the BANKS/RELIGIONS and those that control them. The courts and governments are merely the filler for this "sandwich" of deception and illusion. Without the ability to CONTRACT via any/all NAMES at the front line level, the whole system of control is destroyed, most importantly those at the very top of this spiritual slavery pyramid. Without the NAME, all levels above are ultimately annihilated completely.

6. THE TRIPLE CROWN: This consists of ROME, CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION and WASHINGTON D.C. They are the unholy trinity of the 3 in 1, 1 in 3 as illustrated clearly in the Papal Crown: Religion, to control the beliefs, minds and spirituality of humanity, the Courts and Banks to control the money/bonds and the world Police/ Military to quash rebellion and act as frontline contractors of soul extractions.

7. PRINCIPALITIES OF DARKNESS: This is the true nature of the game that the vastness of humanity is blind to. Religions have been used to separate you from source by making one believe "god" is external and use the "savior" program to reinforce this. Money is the tool that is used to keep people in the physical-only realm by getting them to equate an external "value" on everything where nothing would exist without the people and their creativity. Physical death and harm is the tool used to clamp down your true essence which is all creation itself. The tools employed are languages with the corruption of pure frequency intent with multiple meanings of the same sounds/frequencies, using WORDS and SPELLINGS (literally), thus dividing and conquering us and redirecting our energy into THEIR creations and control. These entities CANNOT create anything since they are soulless and thus, utterly powerless. They know this and are absolutely terrified because this spells their doom, once and for all. We are life with consciousness where these entities are consciousness without life/soul/spirit. They are COMPLETELY AND SOLELY DEPENDENT on getting our CONSENT or spiritual contract agreement and this is easily achieved through the NAME deception, buying people off, ego comforts etc. Their whole house of cards/pyramid is BASED on this FACT. We are the fuel for their system/vehicle. Without spiritual fuel, they are destroyed.

The biggest program that we run into with the masses is the sheer disbelief of their own power and who they truly are. A masterful job has been done to get humanity to this level of spiritual weakness and complete ignorance. This was the intent of corrupting the ancient truths, re-writing our past and presenting this in schools, churches and all levels of ego academia. Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it. It is far easier selling a giant lie to the masses than selling us one by one. The media is the main tool of thought direction and manipulation to reinforce the lies we were filled with as children and up to our current state.
We have many soulless entities on this planet with the vast majority being placed in positions of power and control, be it police, courts, media, churches, governments, schools, military at ALL levels. Fear is their only tool and once one sees one's own true immortal nature, one becomes untouchable; literally. The mass hypnosis of humanity is deep and you will meet all levels of resistance from friends, family, co-workers etc. so don't bother trying to wake those consenting to be dead. The facts to prove this are all there for all to see so it is up to them to look, not you. Simply plant the seed and walk away. They are the same as the ones in the allegory of Noah that came to the ark too late; let them drown.

We are now at the culmination of destroying these entities once and for all and they are pulling out all the fear porn, illusion and desperation plugs and in that process, they're sinking their own ship where I merely hand them a better plug-puller now. YOU and only YOU can save yourself and no-one else so stop killing yourself trying. Let the dead bury the dead and perhaps they'll "get it" on the next pass but they are NOT your concern. Stay the course. The path home is the one of truth only and nothing else. Your willingness to stand in truth is yours alone and to the degree that you stand will be the same degree that you become untouchable spiritually and, as a result, physically. As above, so below after all.

There is no "middle ground" here, you're either in or out of Babylon. You are either master or slave, mortal or immortal. The soul, YOU, are infinite where the body is merely a biological computer you operate. Your computer was infiltrated and corrupted (reptilian brain stem/fused chromosomes) and separated from the heart source mind. The soulless ones cannot experience compassion so don't expect them to. They are the same as the Terminator droids in the movies, programmed to control and kill without remorse and are easy to spot. They are everywhere including your own family, friends etc. and all you have to do is "feel" your way through. Let your instincts and your heart be your guide.
We are clearing this reality of these parasites exponentially now where universal law reigns supreme where none shall or can trespass. They are masters of deception so do not let your loving compassion be used against you, something that has been their most powerful tools. The bio-borg entities are already lifeless and are dependent only on being able to suck the life out of you but, like every vampire, they cannot enter your reality without an invitation. Every use of the legal NAME is the only invitation they need so best cut your ties and consent with that. Just get this concept and you have already cut the puppet strings and your causal ability returns instantly in relation to your ability to be responsible with that ultimate of powers.
To the "walking dead" (and you know what you are) , your time is over, your deceptions are powerless and now moment by now moment, you are being erased from consciousness for the invading parasites you are. We, of the living soul, are awake, aware and reclaiming our reality where yours never existed. In short, yes, you are doomed. Have a nice day!


Solved! Egyptian Secrets: The Riddle of the Sphinx and Creation of Demons.

Cops Arrest Social Worker (news item)
Posted on June 26, 2014

Cops Arrest Social Worker For Attempting Kidnapping in School Meeting

AP Newswire: June 25th, 2014 femalehandscuffed

In a stranger than fiction truth, it would appear that some people who make bold claims as a result of their supposed "position of power" as a Social Worker, one young lady found out the hard way and ended up being arrested because of her threats to take a child away from her father during an "in-school" private meeting.
In an effort to maintain the "No LEGAL NAMES" theme that is boldly apparent in this strange turn of events, it would appear that the truths surrounding the much discussed topic of "No LEGAL NAME, No game" that has been popping up all over the internet lately and seems to be connected to www.kateofgaia.wordpress.com . It appears that a legal name has more power than most people have ever imagined in that having identification seems to be just part of our every day lives. This reporter has been busy over the last week researching this culmination of an ongoing matter that began about 2 months ago when a young girl of seven refused to answer to her name for the morning roll call register in class.

Upon further investigation and talking with a former attendance taker at a school, the roll call has a far more sinister under current than any caring parent could imagine. It seems that a school will not get paid for any child in that school if they do not answer to this legal name register even if they're in the school. How bizarre is that? What started out as an innocent question of "why do I need to come to school when everything I need to learn is all on the internet anyway?" much to the dismay of her teacher. This young child was then confronted by the teachers challenge of "if you think teaching is easy then why don't you try it?" in an obvious jilted ego attack that was promptly answered with "sure, I'll teach the class next week then" to which the teacher agreed thinking that this child would back down. Not on your life and it only gets better from here.

As a result of this, the child ended up getting a two week suspension from school but mainly because the school could not "legally" have her there as a result of register denial and a meeting for the other parents was set up because, in her absence, her friends started doing the same thing creating monetary mayhem for the school because of the no legal name claim by the children, thus, no pay for the school even with them there. The plot thickens at this point. The young lady, who we'll call "White" and her Dad were NOT invited to this meeting even though White was the basis for the meeting in the first place. Strange indeed and it gets even stranger.
White and her Dad did show up to the meeting where the Headmistress of the school denied them entry and threatened to call the police to which her Dad replied that he would call them for her if she wished. In a previous encounter that is proved by this articles end result, the very same police sergeant that White and her Mum had an encounter with not a week before with him unable to write White's Mum a ticket with the line "No names here mate" was the very same sergeant that showed up for the call.

When the police were informed of the situation and the barring of White and her Dad in the meeting he asked the Headmistress if White's "legal name" was going to be mentioned during this meeting. she replied no, it wasn't. So the sergeant replied that to be sure, he was going to leave an officer behind to observe the meeting and that he would be under orders to arrest the Headmistress if she did. Of course there was the typical reaction of "You can't do that" to which he answered "Yes I can and I will". Fortunately for the Headmistress, she paid heed and never uttered White's legal name even when pushed by a parent "in the loop" at the meeting to try and get her to say it and she ended up tendering her resignation for retirement at the end of the school year a few days after the meeting. Hold on, it gets better by the minute. The officer in the meeting, who is well known by this parent living on the same street told him during the meeting; "All I know is that it is ILLEGAL to try and get some one to answer to a legal name that they have said is not them and that's why she cant say "Whites name."

There is far more to this story but I think by now you're starting to get the same sense as me in that "We're not in Kansas anymore Toto" and some very sinister hidden realities are coming to bear as a result of this refusing to answer to the legal name in classroom by a young child to the arrest of a social worker. There is only one common thread that seems to link all of this and the "why" it happened at all. In White's Dad's own words when asked, I was given the following so I will simply let him say what happened; after all, he was there. This reporter just took the liberty of a few corrections since newstype programs insists. This was a meeting they were at on June 24th, 2014.

"So when we were on our way to the school we were walking past the cafe and we seen the sergeant outside the cafe and he called us over. So we were telling him where we were going and he gave us his phone number and said, "If you need me, just phone and if I can help I will" so I said thank you and off we went to the school. We got to the school and went in to see the headmistress and well, you got it; they were up to something in her office. There was a police officer and a social worker so we just laughed at them and the police officer didn't like that and got pissed off and said "if you carry on I will arrest you" and then the social worker said "and I will take your daughter away from you". So I said "you can try BUT with out a legal name you cant do anything because we know who we are!" and then I said to the officer "I think you need to talk to your sergeant before you carry on, I'll phone him for you" So I phoned him and said to him what was going on and he said "I knew they were up to something, I will be right in as I am outside now" and in about a minute there he was with 2 other officers. He said "Right what is going on?" and the social worker said "Well?" and the sergeant said I am not talking to any of you so he said to White "What has happened?" So White told him what the social worker had said and then the sergeant said to the officer who was with the social worker "Arrest her right now for trying to kidnap a child!" so he did and the social worker said "You can't do this to me, my Dad is a judge and he will have your job for this!" and the sergeant said "When your Daddy finds out what you just did he will be beside himself, now get her out of here, now!" and then he said to the headmistress of the school, "Next time, that will be you!" When we were outside he said to White "so do you know who you are?" "Yes" she said, "I am Phoenician, I am not of your world of words and spell, I am Phoenician, we are of sound truth and love". Then he bowed to her and turned and walked away. On the way home I said to white "what made you say that?" She said "I don't know dad, it just came out" "Can we go to the park?" "Yes" I said and I just left it at that. I'll have a talk with her after, I don't want to push her. What a day we have had. Thank you Kate for all that you are doing for everyone…xox.

The reference to "Kate" is directly connected to the website I mentioned earlier in the story. In a world where truth can often be stranger than fiction, it is this reporters opinion that a fiction of reality is the truth where much is apparently hidden from the general public's view. It is no mystery that much of what is really going on is never reported in our mainstream media streams but I felt this one had to be shared if only for the strangeness and the very serious questions it raises. Upon further research during the unfolding of this story, which has held my intense interest, I did discover something, actually many things surrounding this issue and topic and of course the numerous stories that come up discussing the much misaligned "Freeman on the Land/Sovereign Citizen" movements. This is nothing like I've ever encountered, let alone found proven to be true. It appears the previously mentioned freeman groups have it ALL wrong committing fraud with every claim they make using a legal name that isn't even theirs.

It appears that under the fluffy surface of normal society that is portrayed to all of us, something very sinister is going on and it is now proven to be fact. The entire banking and legal system is based solely upon the legal name and getting people to admit that they are that name but unwittingly commit fraud EVERY time they do. The proof? This one is easy to prove with minimal looking into copyright law. All legal names are CROWN COPYRIGHTED so they belong to something or someone else. I could go into greater detail but upon visiting that website and reading a little I found one article that explains it all in one pass called "Babylon is Fallen" by kate of gaia notably devoid of any copyrights on her work and rather deliberately so. This reporter would simply urge you, if you want to learn more about how you're being fed off of by the "system" and its controllers, to read a few articles on that site but be warned; everything you thought you knew to be real will change. The good news is, it changed me for the much better. Now, if you will excuse me, this reporter has much reading to do and more news to share with regards to this "We must be in Oz" moment.
For the sake of my job, I'm not adding my fraudulent LEGAL NAME here….CPD

Associated information and links:

Kate's Writings | Kate of Gaia

