Kim Carlsberg on Veritas Radio - A True Story of Close Encounters & Alien Abduction


"This Veritas interview reveals Kim Carlsberg's heartbreaking, horrific, bittersweet story of eight years of abductions by Grays who mined her DNA, bred human-Gray hybrids, implanted in her and then removed and incubated the fetuses, introduced her to her children, and kept them.

"The most traumatic experience of my life was being implanted with an alien species," says Carlsberg. "Some [of the fetuses] were too frail to live. I may have five or six hybrid children. April and Aqua are mine for sure."

Seemingly at peace with it all now and unusual in terms of near total conscious recall, Carlsberg includes 150 individual stories of contact accompanied by art work submitted by the experiencers sent to her from around the world, in her new contributor-illustrated book, The Art of Close Encounters.

The mid-west raised, California art school-educated Carlsberg is an accomplished photographer, author and businesswoman now living in Sedona, Arizona."
