Machaelle Wright - Harmoney with Nature and Flower Essences


New member

Machaelle Small Wright is one half Hopi with a remarkable story
and teaching about living in harmony and balance with nature.

This is a brief summary of how she started her contact with
what she calls nature devas.

She and her husband Clarence had bought a farm and began a
garden. One day while meditating she heard many voices and
learned of the nature devas who were contacting her. She had
been gardening the way most people begin with herbicides and
so forth and was having a problem with the beetles eating the
vegetables in the garden.

The nature devas guided her to understand the beetles plight
and to make contact with the overlighting deva of the beetle.
She learned of their plight and abuse with the toxic chemicals
used against them and developed compassion to which they
responded in kind. Sectioning 10% of her garden for the beetles
provided a needed sanctuary for them and the beetles honored
this by leaving the rest of the garden alone.

Machaelle grew in her relationship with the nature devas, being
taught by them how to live in harmony with nature, honoring all
the nations, of insects, snakes, frogs and so on.

She went on to create Perelandra Garden Center for Nature Research.
She learned how to make flower essences from the nature devas
and is now thriving and has been a beacon of light to many, sharing
the teachings of the nature devas about spirituality, gardening, living
in harmony with nature, awareness, protection and much more.

The teaching of the beetles plight has grown in beauty and honor.
here is a clip showing the section of the garden dedicated to the
insect nation

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