Masonic Holy Bible found and Exposed!


Truth feeder
This is very interesting:

It contains pictures of Egyptian hieroglyphs, pictures of Sumerian and Babylonia gods. The actual bible starts on page 33 of the Masonic Bible!!

This is just awesome, I would love to get my hands on one of these. I wonder if they are carried in libraries? I will have to research this some more.
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What a find! Glad this guy got it all on film. I'm surprised the footage hasn't bee removed from youtube yet. Obviously, whoever got rid of it had no clue what it was. I would also love to get my hands on one of these Boiling Frog! And, no, you'll never find one of these at your local library, cuz this is something held quite secret only given to those who have been 'inducted' into the group.
I have a friend who is a mason, i asked him a bunch of question once. He told me the bible is given to mason members when they reach a certain level. When you first join you study many books they give you. I asked him about devil worship and satanic rituals, he said they have not show him anything like that yet.

The evil must be saved for the top ranks...
I considered joining the Free Masons like 10 years ago, I spent some time reading about them and decided not to join. I really wish I did join now. From what I could tell only people with high profile jobs get in to the high rank of the masons. Police chefs, mayors, CEOs etc.
I thought it was the other way around, that only Masons get the high end jobs. Show your ring and you're in, doesn't matter what your qualifications are. It's not skills, it's who you are associated with. sucks, but that's the way it seems is. At least that's the way i've heard it.

Frog, if you HAD joined, you wouldn't be sitting here talking with us on a conspiracy website! You'd be one of them engrossed in their world of F***ed up s**t, so you're better off. So what if you aren't in a top ranking job. That's not what's important. You're on the right side buddy. Thanks for not joining. You're a better help on this side.