Moscow Airport bomb blast January 24 2011


Truth feeder
Up to 31 people have been killed in an explosion at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport according to the Russian Health Ministry. Some 130 more are said to have been injured in what the Investigative Committee believes to be a terror attack.

Twenty people are reported to be in critical condition.

Heavy smoke at the site of the explosion is hampering the efforts of the emergency workers who are trying to establish if there are any more victims, a ministry spokesperson says. There are reports that the bomb was packed with shrapnel.

People are being evacuated. Airport workers have destroyed a brick wall near the luggage claim area to let the passengers leave the area of the explosion.

All airports in Russia are stepping up security, first of all in the Moscow region, Itar-Tass news agency reports. Still, Domodedovo Airport is working without restrictions, both for arriving and departing flights, said the Federal Agency for Air Transportation spokesman (Rosaviatsia) Sergey Izvolsky.

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