Netherlands: End of 123 year-old female rule and more…


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The Queen Mother Beatrix 75, a welknown Islamophobe, abdicated recently in favor of her eldest son, King Willem-Alexander 45, after 33 year on the throne. The Dutch nation has been ruled by Queens for the last 123 years.

Queen Beatrix became the third Dutch Queen to abdicate. She came to Ottawa (Canada) in 1940 with her mother, Crown Princess Juliana, and her sister Irene. Her sister Margriet was born in 1943 in Ottawa Civic Hospital. Margriet became a Canadian citizen by birth. She visited Canada several times. Last year, she received an honorary doctorate degree from McMaster University in Hamilton.

The new Queen Maxima Zorreguieta was born in Argentina. Her father Jorge Zorreguieta was Agriculture Minister under the military dictatorship (1976-1983).

Argentine Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio, now the new Pope Francis I, is a very close friend of local Jewish community and Israel. Cardinal Bergoglio been identified publicly as an ally of Argentine’s military dictator Jorge Rafael Videla, during the “dirty war” when some 30,000 people “disappeared” or killed, many stripped naked, chained together, flown out over the River Plate or the Atlantic Ocean and pushed sausage-like out of planes to drown. Jorge Rafael Videla died in jail on May 17, 2013.

Beatrix’s father, Prince Bernhard, a morally corrupt individal, fathered at least two illegitimate children. Beatrix’s own son, Prince Johan Friso, in coma since last year, from which he may never recover, is married to Mabel Wisse Smit. She is former “companion” of Dutch drug lord Klaas Bruinsma who was shot to death by mafia member and former police officer Martin Hoogland. Mable is also director of EU Affairs of Jewish billionaire George Soro’s Open Society Institute (OSI). The OSI works as propaganda (Hasbara) arm of the US State Department to bring pro-Israel regime changes in several Muslim countries (Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Tunisia, Malaysia, etc.).

Dutch parliament was against Prince Friso marrying Mabel Wisse Smit due to her underworld connection. However, Prince Friso ignored parliament’s objection by marrying Mabel. As a result parliament stripped the Prince’s rights to Dutch crown.

Last year, anti-Muslim pro-Israel Dutch MP, Geert Wilders, went banana seeing a picture of Queen Beatrix adoring Muslim Hijab while visiting a mosque in Abu Dhabi. He claimed that Queen’s action gave legitimacy to Islam’s oppression of women. For idiots like Wilders, who wore Jewish Yamaka (skullcap) while addressing a meeting in Israel.

Netherlands is home to the Zionist landmark, the ‘Anne Frank House’ in Amsterdam. It has been proven by several western historians that the so-called “Diary of Anne Frank” is nothing but full of lies. In fact, Anne’s father worked for the Nazi forces occupying Netherlands.

The current Dutch government has angered Wilders’ party members and the Zionist lobby groups by claiming that banning of Muslim Hijab, as required by the MPs, would make a mockery of the country as less 200 Muslim women wear Hijab in Netherlands.

Israeli Mossad along with CIA and India’s RAW maintains a close relation with Dutch security forces to harrass Palestinians and Muslims in Netherlands. In 2010, investigative reporter, Wayne Madsen, claimed that the trio was behind the 2009 Mumbai terrorist attacks, the assassination of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian Christmas bomber false flag operation.

“The Christmas Day attempt by the son of a prominent Nigerian banker and business tycoon connected closely to top Nigerian leaders to detonate a chemical improvised explosive device aboard Delta Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam Schiphol to Detroit was a false flag operation carried out by the intelligence tripartite grouping of the CIA, Mossad, and India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), according to WMR’s Asian intelligence sources who closely monitor the activities of the three agencies in India and Southeast Asia,” wrote Wayne.

Netherlands voted in favor of a homeland for European Jews in Palestine in 1947. Netherlands has long been known as Israel’s closest ally in Europe. This alliance reached its peak under Mark Rutte’s regime. In 2010, former Dutch foreign minister, Uri Rosenthal, a Swiss-born Zionist Jew, said in Tel Aviv: “The Dutch government doesn’t appreciate Israel bashing and Israel bashing should not be acceptable to anyone.”

The Dutch Muslim community (885,000) makes 5.8% of Netherlands’ total population. The two most known members of the community, are Moroccan-born Ahmed Aboutaleb, the current Mayor of Rotterdam and anti-Islam Somalian-born former MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who currently works at American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a Jewish Israeli lobby group.

Italian Zionist author Giulio Meott, a regular contributor to daily The Wall Street Journal (the publisher and chairman of the newspaper is Peter Kann, a Zionist Jew), called Rotterdam, Eurabia Has A Capital: Rotterdam.

Netherlands: End of 123 year-old female rule and more… | Rehmat's World