New: Past Life Readings (Through Visions Only)

Lady of Light

After a recent conversation with one of our members (that member can come forward on their own, if they so choose, I'm not mentioning names), I have decided to offer Past Life Readings (for free of course), for anyone who chooses to get this done.

Please note: I have never offered past life readings before because of inexperience in this area. I am offering this as an option to gain that experience in the field of looking backward in time, following the path of energy to find more about where or who someone once was. I make no guarantees, especially when it comes to gaining names or names of places, etc. I will look, through visions, to gain some knowledge of who, what or where you once were or may have been.

If you are interested, and would like me to experiment with this ability on you, please do not hesitate to ask, and I will do my best. As this is a new ability that I am working on, please allow some time (a few days or so), to gain the information for you.

Also, please indicate whether you would like your results public (here in the forum for all to see) or private (through PM).

Thank you,
Lady of Light :)
After a recent conversation with one of our members (that member can come forward on their own, if they so choose, I'm not mentioning names), I have decided to offer Past Life Readings (for free of course), for anyone who chooses to get this done.
Please note: I have never offered past life readings before because of inexperience in this area. I am offering this as an option to gain that experience in the field of looking backward in time, following the path of energy to find more about where or who someone once was. I make no guarantees, especially when it comes to gaining names or names of places, etc. I will look, through visions, to gain some knowledge of who, what or where you once were or may have been.

If you are interested, and would like me to experiment with this ability on you, please do not hesitate to ask, and I will do my best. As this is a new ability that I am working on, please allow some time (a few days or so), to gain the information for you.

Also, please indicate whether you would like your results public (here in the forum for all to see) or private (through PM).
Thank you,
Lady of Light :)

I thought I should leave feedback here :) I got a past life reading from Lady of Light and it was cool!! She gave me a description of a past life of mine.. This was interesting to know.. I appreciate her doing this reading for me.. It was awesome :)
Thanks s_coy2005!

I just recently did a reading for an old friend of mine, and I will be posting that experience shortly.
I would love a past life reading! I just joined this site today :) I am aware of a few of my past lives, having done some sessions under hypnosis, but there are many I don't know about! :) I would be really interested to see what you get! You can post it for everyone to see if you like, or you can do it privately if you choose. I am open to either. Thank you!!
I would love a past life reading! I just joined this site today :) I am aware of a few of my past lives, having done some sessions under hypnosis, but there are many I don't know about! :) I would be really interested to see what you get! You can post it for everyone to see if you like, or you can do it privately if you choose. I am open to either. Thank you!!

I will be happy to look and see what I can for you. This is new to me, so it may take a few days and a few times at trying. Please be patient. :)

Lady of Light :)
Hi all! I am the "old friend", hehe. Lady of Light did a past life reading for me and it was pretty amazing. It was so rich and vivid for both of us! I know we are both looking forward to delving further into it! I've decided to share it so you can get an idea of what is possible:

"It started out with a golden angel or bird or something medallion, with large span wings with a pinkish gem or jewel in the middle. This angel-bird thing was attached to something, possibly a box. The medallion looked brand new and was very shiny.

Next, I would appear to be standing with my back to a kitchen looking toward an entrance way in an old (very old, with plank floors) house. To the right is the front door, and to the left (directly across from the door) looks like it might be a stairway to the upstairs. This entrance is very narrow. Beyond the entrance is another room, not sure what it's for, could be a lounge or an office (i'm guessing there), it's a fairly large room, however I can only see a small portion of it through its doorway.

It went from there to a lantern on a small table near the kitchen area near a closet, and a woman then was holding this lantern. I couldn't see the woman, I just knew it was a woman holding it.

There was a woman sitting in the far room in front of what looked like either a desk or piano or something to the right, perfectly in line with my view of the doorway. She turned around and my focus went to the window in this room which was to my left and back on the far wall. I could see flickering lights, with almost a ball shape at times. It was like fire at first. The time of day was night, after sundown, but not quite dark yet, I guess that would be twilight or just before. There was a war on. I couldn't hear the explosions or the men, but I could hear it. (If that makes any sense.) This dark haired woman got up from her seat and went over to the window. She was wearing a long dark (not sure what color) gown. She seemed very concerned."

Thank you so much for doing this Lady of Light!
Thank you for coming on to share with everyone, Ginger!

One thing I can say about this reading, I learned that redheads are difficult to tap into, lol. This took a couple of days to really get a lock on the energy, but when I did, it was like being there when it all was taking place. Truly amazing.

Thank you for the opportunity, Ginger, and I DO want to look further to see what else is there.

Create71, I have looked to see what I can see for you and I did get a few images, but none of them appear to be past life. They look to modern, almost from now. I'm debating whether to post those now or wait until I get more. I will most likely post what I have so far, later on tonight, I have to go through my notes and re-address the images.

You know, thinking about it Ginger, I shouldn't have said "old friend", I should have said "long-time friend", that's more accurate. :D
Because, really, we're not that old, lol. :D
Lady of Light,
I would be willing to bet you are tapping into me now via remote viewing. When I have tried to do predictive readings, trying to look into the near future, I always end up seeing the subject in their current situation. I don't know why, or how...I get really accurate stuff about people I don't know, but it is alway at the time that I am tuning into them...For instance, a woman in Florida (a stranger) wanted a reading about how a certain event that was about a week away would go...One evening I tuned in and got lots of images: an 'anchor' tattoo, a beat up light blue truck, paisley tablecloth, a man's name, empty country bar with two people at a table, when I called her with the info, she told me that I had picked up on a blind date she had been on the evening that I had tuned in...I got the guy's name, his truck, the tattoo of an anchor he had on his arm, the tablecloth where they had dinner, and the bar they went to after and sat and talked...but I couldn't ever get her 'future' event. Anyway, I give you those examples because you likely picked up on me today :) I am curious what you got!
This one's for Create71.

June 26[SUP]th[/SUP], 2012

It started out with a rounded cement looking balcony. It looks very old Europe-ish.

Then I see a stone wall, carved or etched, all pictures of people, the man carvd or sketched looked almost Greek.

There is now a short-haired blonde woman, she looks to be in her 20s, she’s young. She is wearing a light-brown jacket over top of a white and blue or black thick striped shirt, and jeans. Her legs are somewhat crossed as she stands to pose for a picture. She is standing in front of a short wall with flowers planted in the top. This looks like it is in some sort of plaza with a stone or interlocked block (roundish) ground, and there is water in the background possibly a beach in the near distance. From what the woman is wearing, I would guess that it is somewhat cool outside. The style of clothing and her hair style look as if this was happening sometime within the last 10-20 years.

Now, I can see a much newer looking balcony with white fencing (not sure what you call that) around it. This has white rectangular flower boxes all around it with red flowers in each box. There is a woman putting out the last or second to last box at the edge nearest the door opening. The initial feeling I get with this image is that of Italy or Spain. The woman had dark hair and was wearing a dress, that of Spanish design. It was a white dress with blue trim, very light and airy. Definitely Spanish or even Mexican, for sure that style. It is hot out wherever this is.

Lastly (for this session), I can see an overweight (not huge, just on the verge of obese) woman at the bottom of a set of stairs. My view is from the top of the stairs. She is standing infront of what looks like a wall with flowers planted. She is looking up the stairs with a strange look as if wondering what’s going on. Almost like a “aren’t you coming?” or “what happened?” sort of look with a little shake of the head to go with it. This woman wears a light summery dress, not quite a sundress, but maybe it is. It could be a simple bridesmaid dress from the design. It’s not terribly fancy, it is light with a ribbon-like stripe across near the breast area (just under). She is not standing there alone, there is another woman with her, but I can’t really see the other woman.

I don’t know what all that means, but that’s what came as of that session. I’ll be trying again and see what I get. :)
Lady of Light,
Thank you! That is really interesting! I cannot place the images at this moment, but I will keep them in mind and I will keep thinking on it! Who knows, it could suddenly pop into my consciousness or a picture could jog my memory. I appreciate you taking the time and energy to do that 
Lady of Light,
Thank you! That is really interesting! I cannot place the images at this moment, but I will keep them in mind and I will keep thinking on it! Who knows, it could suddenly pop into my consciousness or a picture could jog my memory. I appreciate you taking the time and energy to do that 

I will be looking into trying to see more. At last try, all was blank, but I've got a lot going on right now, so that's not surprising. I'll be getting back to it. I would like to revisit some of the others I've begun as well. This is really interesting stuff. I'm glad I've been opened up to this ability. :)
Before I got interrupted, I had a little vision for you. I was trying to focus further back and this was what came through.

June 28, 2012

It’s like watching a silent movie, there’s a couple of young lads dressed in top hat and clown makeup, with tuxedo tails, but in shorts sitting on what looks like a dumpster outside of a large wooden gate which keeps opening and closing. I think people are going in and out. Can’t really determine a time period. All I have to go on is it looks like silent film era, but everything is in color. The boys (or little skinny men), are laughing and joking, they are very happy, and they are talking a lot, swinging their legs as they sit.

I will still attempt to get more for you. :)

I will still be attempting for everyone who wants me to see more for them. :)

This is a whole new world for me and I am enjoying every second of it! :D Thank you all!

Lady of Light :)
Again, for Create71,

June 29, 2012

There is a black and white scene in a kitchen, very very old. A woman stands in front of a very large black cauldron type pot on the floor over a fire. She is wearing a light what looks like white blouse and a long down to the floor what looks like black skirt. She is also wearing an apron. In that apron she appears to be holding something and putting it from the apron into the pot. Her hair is grey or silver and pinned into what looks like buns to the side (not like princess leia), that old style of hair. Again, cannot place a time period. Everything is very old in this kitchen. The floor is wood and very worn. There is a wooden table, well used behind her. It doesn’t appear (even though I can’t see it) that there is no door, just a doorway that goes to the outside of this house or cabin. There is 1 counter that I can see which has various containers or pots on it. Everything is well aged in this home. I get the feeling of “farm”, and the indication that an old man will be coming in soon, but I don’t yet see or hear him. In fact, I think the whole family is expected to be there for dinner, a large family, yet this woman is the only one home at this time. This is before the time of cars.

My view of this scene is the old woman to the left, a table to the back, the pot to the right, and the counter to the back of that. The door that I cannot see is off to the left far side.