No US Military & No US or UN Aid in Haiti


You have to be in Haiti to see for yourself that no where in Port-au-Prince are troops present or actively helping survivors.

No Aid In Port-au-Prince

I have been driving all week around Port-au-Prince taking photos of the destroyed homes and buildings and as I’ve gone from one end of this city to the other, the US is military is only found at the airport -- nice and secured behind those gates.

Meanwhile, the UN and its white Jeeps are driving all around this city, but I haven't seen them stop at any particular location to give food or water.

Where is all the aid going, if any?

Michel David Stephan is a 22-year-old Haitian university student who has not been able to continue his studies because the campus has been badly damaged. I asked him what he thought of the UN.

"We call them 'tourist' because they don’t do nothing,” Stephan told me.

I also asked Stephan what he thought of the US military.