[Bombshell!] OMG!!!!! Someone totally blocked half the sun out. But check it out right before they did!!!


New member
OH my gosh, is there life on the SUN???? Why would they cut half the sun? The other day, it was just a strip, today's it's half cut. LIKE ???

That so looks like a Demon dog and some kind of demon angel with wings, or some naked person in the middle leaning on the sun dog. Looks like he's got some big teeth too. Definitely don't want to be his dinner.

At 7:00:14 it disappears

And what would make this huge lase line??

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If there's nothing there, then why would they have to block it like that? That's just f***ed up! Awesome pictures man! :)
I'm beginning to suspect that they are blocking launches, and anything else that would give reason to suspect there is life on the sun and/or that it is possible to get that close to the sun.
If it's possible for there to be life on the Sun this would radically change the way science is presented in our school systems. And I'm not sure that most people are ready to accept the Sun is not a great big ball of fire.
Apparently the Sun is actually full of high intense magnetism, and it's not a burning ball of gas. We assume it's a burning ball of gas because it is the color of fire, orange. And of course mainstream science tells us it's a burning ball of gas. I just pose the question told you what if it's not a burning ball of gas?

How would that change our understanding of the universe and even our planet?
Well, that being said, Denise, it is absolutely possible to get some craft next to the sun or even ON the sun for that matter. They don't just block it out for NO reason. They're hiding something they don't want the public to see. Bottom line.
Cool stuff!!

Did you happen to notice the 'waves' on the right side and just below the sun? It appears that there is something else out there off screen that is emitting some sort of signal that is being seen in the flares from the sun. Just thought I'd point that out. There's more out there that we still are unable to see.
Actually, we do not "Assume" that the sun is a big ball of fire just because it looks that way, we know it is indeed made from 3/4 Hydrogen, nearly 1/4 Helium and a few other things as well because that is how the sun was formed, we can see other stars being formed now, we can see them as we see our own and we can see them go "Super-Nova", at the end of its lifetime. And I do not have any idea how there could be life on the sun, first of all, the heat, it is 5505 °C on the surface, hot enough to destroy anything, living or dead, within seconds, there would have to be some kind of super element to survive that. Secondly, you can't exactly find any food on the sun, can you? What would life there eat? The only thing on the sun is magnetic fields and plasma. One last thing though, nobody on earth can launch a space ship or shuttle that close to the sun without is being destroyed, so what are you proposing is being hidden from you?
Yes, actually, people do "assume" that the sun is hot and is a big fiery ball. We "assume" that it was formed with gasses. We "assume" based on observations. The world was once "assumed" to be flat.

You say with certainty these "facts" about the sun, the temperature and its make-up, yet you also state that nothing can get close to the sun. So how can you possibly know that what you say is correct? Have you been to the sun? Or a star?

It is all assumed. Everything that is being discussed here is assumed. The supposed "facts" about the sun are assumed. I could also assume that you are a troll; there's evidence of that. In fact, there is more evidence of you writing trolling posts than there is of what the sun is composed of and its temperature.

Unless you have been there, no one can say with certainty what is and what is not.
Actually, we do not "Assume" that the sun is a big ball of fire just because it looks that way, we know it is indeed made from 3/4 Hydrogen, nearly 1/4 Helium and a few other things as well because that is how the sun was formed, we can see other stars being formed now, we can see them as we see our own and we can see them go "Super-Nova", at the end of its lifetime. And I do not have any idea how there could be life on the sun, first of all, the heat, it is 5505 °C on the surface, hot enough to destroy anything, living or dead, within seconds, there would have to be some kind of super element to survive that. Secondly, you can't exactly find any food on the sun, can you? What would life there eat? The only thing on the sun is magnetic fields and plasma. One last thing though, nobody on earth can launch a space ship or shuttle that close to the sun without is being destroyed, so what are you proposing is being hidden from you?


Seems a populer chant at the moment....don't You know?
Who is "WE"????

Not Me.
You say that there is no evidence for this either way, so why do you "assume" the most illogical theory? We knew how the sun was formed before we could see it's surface, so if what you are saying is true, somebody has made a cover up of something before we even had reason too. Anyway, I am not a troll, most things on this website are totally within reason, but some things just go against what I think and so I start a debate, not an argument, putting forward my knowledge and reason in hope that another person can try and contradict me, but so far all I have heard is "That is not evidence because you did not come up with that yourself." and "You are just too narrow minded.", but I do think about the given subject, and like to try to be convinced otherwise, not called a "Troll".

Here is a link to how the sun was formed, you listen to my opinion like I do yours.
I was simply making a point about speculation, and assumption. Nothing more.

Everything in this world, in this stage of being, is assumed. That is the view of an open mind. The view of a closed mind is to believe that assumptions are true based on who and where they come from.

That is my debate.
But what reason do you have behind this? There must be something that makes you believe in this theory, some bit of evidence you have picked up on, because if I applied your logic then I could say that the sun is made of mangoes and illuminated by candles.