Overpopulation may be as much of a threat as global warming.


New member
Killing of millions of people is certainly not an answer, but the population growth should be controlled. By 2050 the worlds population will be around 9 billion. Feeding almost 7 billion people today is no easy task, add to that another 2 billion and you have a problem. The even bigger problem is that this massive population growth is happening in third world countries, where even today securing food and water might be difficult.
Population tends to control itself, especially in third world countries where the kids without enough food and water don't survive to reproduce. Any given area can only sustain a certain population density, and once that density is reached (or exceeded) nature will take care of the extras.
I tend to agree. In third world countries, it is survival of the fittest. The weak and helpless will be culled naturally without any need of help. What worries me is the population growth in industrialized nations.
The thing is we are not over populated "this is completely absurd to think so"
Granted cities are overpopulated but this is a prison system designed to appear like over population believe me there is more than enough room for at least another 20 billion people.
As it stands now we can put every man women and child to date on a quarter acre of land in Australia and have the rest of the world empty.
This is just one small example of how greedy we have become in our thought patterns..
And about the world hunger thing if we rid the government and we all put a hand in together this can be stopped in an instant but our greed and conditioning has made us how we are today completely pathetic peeps ,i know i play a part of this role as well but striving daily to overcome this way of thinking........Peace out........ricklbert
It's not a matter of space, it's a matter of sustainability. As we progress more and more third world countries will become stable. You also need to look at the facts the world population has risen by almost a billion in 10 years, I don't think that will stop anytime soon. If the numbers grow at this rate it will take the same amount of food to feed the people on earth in the next 40 years that the planet has produced in the last 8000.
The word sustainability comes from a government term and in my book has no real baring on this subject with bills like C-6 or the new Codex bills these elites stand to control all of our food that is why we have a food shortage today stop controlling the food and dictating what we can and can and can not do, like growing our own vegetables this is just crazy to think that we can not feed everyone on the planet this word sustainability is for the ruling class to give the appearance that we are starving but it is dictated by world policy we as people need to fight this and rid the government that puts these laws in place to control it all.
"wake up" my friend there is more than enough agricultural land for all to sustain ourselves but the powers that be have created what we see now telling us crap every day to brainwash us to think otherwise when will we learn that this is a farce and needs to be dealt with promptly to get our lives back on track we need to change our CFR UN Bull crap world policy and stand up for what is right and stop following these traitors that call them selves GOVERNMENT...........This is just my opinion and i am sticking to it............ricklbert
well said ricklbert! it's true; if they would stop controlling what we can and cannot have, we would have enough for all. it's their sanctions that are causing the shortage. not the population.
Far be it for me to say that the worlds government are fair and that the rich want to share their wealth, but until you get a degree in agriculture, I'm going to be skeptical of you as well. Of course there is space for farmland, we just need to chop down some more of the worlds forests and rain-forests taxing an already sick planet.
That is far from true the government is far from fair and because grain and crops are regulated we as people cannot do massive community gardens i have ten acres in Alberta alone that would feed hundreds of peeps and there are millions of hectares that are vacant but because of crown law and regulation this prohibits us to grow anything!!!!!
You need a reality check my friend i will be watching you as a moderator of this site with due diligence..........ricklbert

Please take the time out to educate yourself without unrealistic propaganda and look at the big picture here....to much regulation and to little public control......
Government terrorism destroys farmers crops