Polish Study Confirms Vaccines Can Cause Large Number of Adverse Effects



Let hope people are finally getting it now!

Despite the conviction of the necessity and safety of vaccinations, there are a number of studies coming forward that illustrate the potential dangers they may pose. A scientific review published by the Department of Paediatric Rehabilitation from the Medical School at the University of Bialystok has determined that there are a number of neurological adverse events that follow vaccination. This research is specific to Polish vaccinations, but is still useful given the fact that many ingredients used and examined in the study are still used in vaccinations all over the world.

The University of Bialystok is a well known medical university that has published a tremendous amount of research on various topics. The evidence that’s out there supporting the hazards of vaccines is irrefutable. There is a lot of research that medical professionals are not privy to, this is credible research coming out of Universities done by doctors and professors. Medical professionals are usually guided to research done by pharmaceutical companies and the vaccine manufactures themselves. It’s important to look at both sides of the coin, and examine all information available before coming to a conclusion.

It is not reasonable to assume that manipulation of the immune system through an increasing number of vaccinations during critical periods of brain development will not result in adverse neurodevelopment outcomes(1)

The study addresses the use of vaccines in terms of adverse effects, immune system effects, neurological symptoms following vaccinations and a history of vaccines demonstrating little benefit. We often hear of studies only from the western world, expanding our sphere of research to a global one provides us with a broad range of information coming from a variety of different sources. A report like this coming from a medical school should not be taken lightly. It coincides with a lot of other research that’s emerging to suggest that vaccines can be hazardous to human health.

Post-Vaccine Neurological Complications

The authors focused on thimerosal, otherwise known as ethylmercury. It’s known to be a key ingredient in vaccines for preservation. A number of conditions are associated with thimerosal including toxicity of the heart, liver, kidneys and the nervous system. Over the last two decades, neurological conditions such as epilepsy, autism, ADHD and mental retardation have increased dramatically all over the world.

From the 1990s new vaccines for infants containing thimerosal began to be used in America. In the DTP, Hib and Hep B vaccines, children received a dose 62.5 ug of mercury, which is 125-fold more than the dose considered safe, which is 0.1 ug a day. These reports were the reason that Scandinavian countries already prohibited the use of mercury in 1990(1)

Research has shown that there is a direct relationship between thimerosal and the rate of autism. The paper determined that there was also a correlation between the number of measles-containing vaccines and autism prevalence during the 1980′s. A couple of years ago, an Italian court ruled that the MMR vaccine was the cause of Autism in the case presented. A recent study by the University of British Colombia came out exposing the HPV vaccine as being dangerous to health as well. UBC doctors also exposed a Vaccination cover-up, demonstrating through official documents that vaccine manufactures have been aware of their adverse effects for a number of years.

Polish Study Confirms Vaccines Can Cause Large Number of Adverse Effects | Collective-Evolution