Revealed: Chamber lobbied against 9/11 health bill to save foreign members on taxes


Truth feeder
Nathan Diebenow
Raw Story
Sunday, December 19, 2010

The US Chamber of Commerce lobbied to kill a bill that would have helped cover medical expenses and compensation for first responders and survivors of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, according to documents available online.

The Chamber’s aim was to keep open a tax loophole benefiting foreign corporations that the $7.4 billion bill would have closed to provide funding for the American emergency workers.

In a*letter*opposing*the 9/11 bill, R. Bruce Josten, the Chamber’s executive vice president for Government Affairs, cautioned that closing the tax loophole would harm US trade relationships and financial markets.

“In typical fashion, the Chamber has not revealed which of its foreign members had asked them to kill the 9/11 bill,”*Lee Fang of wrote.

The Chamber sought to defeat Democrats during this year’s election season, fought against comprehensive health reform in 2009, and pulled out all the stops to weaken Democrats’ financial reform legislation. They also helped mount corporate-funded campaigns against climate legislation and sought to weaken an*anti-bribery law.

Full story here.
