Scientists offer quantum theory of soul's existence

100th Monkey

New member
A PAIR of world-renowned quantum scientists say they can prove the existence of the soul.

American Dr Stuart Hameroff and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose developed a quantum theory of consciousness asserting that our souls are contained inside structures called microtubules which live within our brain cells.

Their idea stems from the notion of the brain as a biological computer, "with 100 billion neurons and their axonal firings and synaptic connections acting as information networks".

Dr Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology and Director of the Centre of Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, and Sir Roger have been working on the theory since 1996.

They argue that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects inside these microtubules - a process they call orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).

In a near-death experience the microtubules lose their quantum state, but the information within them is not destroyed. Or in layman's terms, the soul does not die but returns to the universe.

Dr Hameroff explained the theory at length in the Morgan Freeman-narrated documentary Through the Wormhole, which was recently aired in the US by the Science Channel.

The quantum soul theory is now trending worldwide, thanks to stories published this week by The Huffington Post and the Daily Mail, which have generated thousands of readers comments and social media shares.

"Let's say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state," Dr Hameroff said.

"The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can't be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.

'If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says "I had a near death experience".'

In the event of the patient's death, it was "possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body indefinitely - as a soul".

Dr Hameroff believes new findings about the role quantum physics plays in biological processes, such as the navigation of birds, adds weight to the theory.

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Stuart Hameroff on Quantum Soul

You know, hobbit, we need to get together and develop a gig like the one Mr. Hameroff is hawking and go on tour. I mean how hard could it be?
Do you have a soul?

I find it funny that it rimes with troll? :glee:

So.... Am I to assume you are calling 100th Monkey a "troll" because of his/her post? So, to spread information that one finds interesting and is at the level of understanding of the person posting is "troll" behavior?

Why is it so important to derail the topic onto this user (who is a long-time member, btw, who has not caused trouble up to this point) being a "troll"? THAT behavior is troll-like. :)

We are all at different levels, and on this site, it is important to provide ALL aspects of ALL things in order to find the truth hidden within EVERYTHING. Yes, there is a lot of disinformation out there, and a lot of it gets spread. However, if it can't be proven one way or another, EVERYTHING can be said to be disinformation, but it can ALSO be said to be information. There is no harm in looking at and exploring ALL information, believed to be true or false, at any given time. Every single little thing is another piece to the enormous puzzle we call life.

BTW, I think we need to pull this back on the original topic and off the whole name-calling thing please. :)
So.... Am I to assume you are calling 100th Monkey a "troll" because of his/her post? So, to spread information that one finds interesting and is at the level of understanding of the person posting is "troll" behavior?

Why is it so important to derail the topic onto this user (who is a long-time member, btw, who has not caused trouble up to this point) being a "troll"? THAT behavior is troll-like. :)

We are all at different levels, and on this site, it is important to provide ALL aspects of ALL things in order to find the truth hidden within EVERYTHING. Yes, there is a lot of disinformation out there, and a lot of it gets spread. However, if it can't be proven one way or another, EVERYTHING can be said to be disinformation, but it can ALSO be said to be information. There is no harm in looking at and exploring ALL information, believed to be true or false, at any given time. Every single little thing is another piece to the enormous puzzle we call life.

BTW, I think we need to pull this back on the original topic and off the whole name-calling thing please. :)

No I am not calling the author of the OP a troll. Just making a funny to bump the thread. I thought some others here I know would enjoy it, and is why I bumped it.
Fine, but we need to try to stick to the topic please. We also need to respect others views or interests.

I want to respect others views, but vetting sometimes appears to be disrespectful when it is only a move to motivate someone's defense of their point a view. If we simply ditto each others views that only leads everyone to darkness. The tunnel of ignorance.

Also humor in order to keep things fun can be construed as having fun at someone else expense when in fact that was not the intent. All is subject to interpretations based on any given person's social norms. A person perceives only how one's filter was constructed out of the materials of their own culture.

You're Canadian so I imagine your social values center around being polite. I grew up just 50 miles away from Canada, and so I understand the culture somewhat. I hope you will understand mine which is probably a bit crude. I was born in Detroit Michigan and grew up just out side the City. We're not known for being, uh lets say, too smooth...
Again, with this conversation, we are veering off topic. We should probably move this conversation to a new thread if you wish to continue. :)

This is about science proving the soul. Let's keep it there please. Be crude if you must, but also try to be tolerant and respectful please. I allow ALL views here on this site. I'm sure you can see that if you look around. :)

I haven't watched the above video, nor do I intend to. I also have not taken the time to read the article... yet. But... do I believe that science can prove the existence of a soul? Well, ALL science is biased, this is shown in the study of quantum physics. So, yes, it can, and no, it can't. Truth is relative. Facts are commonplace beliefs. I don't see the "soul" as such, I see it all as frequency. A "soul" is based upon belief that such exists AS such. So, for some to research and find that it exists, of course it does. And those that research to prove that it doesn't, of course they can prove that too.
I have heard that a body weighs fractionally less dead, than alive. Part of that difference could be due to the release of waste products. I know that whenever I've done death care for a patient, I've felt a presence watching me. Back before fire codes mandated bolting hospital windows shut, we used to open the window to allow the soul an exit. This was not something taught in church or in nursing school. It was an instinctive reaction. That said, dead bodies still have plenty of weight to them.

I was holding my Mother in my arms when she died and I can tell you that I felt what could only be described as a " grand outflowing of spirit". And yes... if the windows hadn't already have been opened.... I would have had the urgent intuitive notion to open them.

That said... once free and " dispersed" as these scientists seem to believe possible they still haven't addressed the situation that the " soul" that was my Mother still has the ability to reach back to me in my everyday lives and do things that are absolutely as funny as she was. And I can always sense when its HER. I believe science is a long way from figuring THAT one!

I think that all of you know that my husband is not the most easily swayed person in the world. He sets a course and very Yankee like.... he goes in that direction. There is not much room in Georges life for " fanciful thinking" When things get too " wild" for him he simply turns off his receivers.

Mother thought that he was a good match for me at the time. " At least dear" she said.... He won't roll his things into a duffelbag and be gone out of your life for six months at a time." And of course she was right... she also adored George because he was the loving security that we all needed during those last few months of her life....and I have watched her through the years... reach back to touch him in ways that were downright funny!

Yesterday he announced that he had been " Thinking of Momma" ( he always called her that) and he mentioned that he had a clear vision of her making a shirt for Charles very good she was at that and that he could actually SEE her with her tape and the pins.... I laughed at the image too and said the only thing that came into my head.... " Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy".

George looked right at me and said ( honest ) "Thats a GREAT name for your next book!"

I had to tell him of course that title had already been used..... but I could almost hear my Mother laughing.... not at him for not knowing... but at the situation because she had gotten George to recognize that such a thing was in the future.... and that she was right there with us....all of us....

" Amazing" he said..... "I could see her so clearly!"

Though I am looking forward to talking someday to Dr. Hameroff.... I think that even he will agree that no matter what they discover... it will be both EVERYTHING and NOTHING. Linda
Do you have a soul?

I find it funny that it rimes with troll? :glee:

I've been called worse then troll, beside I did not write the article, I just thought is was interesting and could stir up some good conversation.

I also believe that souls are real and are what gives us conciseness.
Musashi, I bumped this thread with my limerick nothing more. You know that!

PS How is DPD1, Dave? I miss his conversation dearly.
IMHO...In My Hobbit opinion.
There is more involved than just a soul.

The Egyptians were past masters at dealing with this subject , and better understood the symbiotic interactions between the physical, the force that enabled the physical , and the eternal part that resides in the heart.

The physical body is a mere vehicle, or tractor for our eternal selves to utilise here in this here and now moment.
I consider our parents make the vehicle, and at a ceratin point in developement our eternal occupies said vehicle.

The force that enables the vehicle to remember to be in the here and now moment contains the memory and information of such, as the planet has similer and contains the memory and information of itself.

The eternal self resides in a different dimension , as does Your overall self, the journey between those dimensions upon death is what again the Egyptians were masters of, the end result been reincarnation back into the self same location , hence why they kept leaving their goods in storage.
We only now view the last time that all of this was forgotten.
