[Inspiring] Share an experience or comment on someone elses! Lets grow/develop together!


New member
I have been kicking around an idea today. To start a thread here to promote individual development by sharing personal experiences. I have much experience to choose from to start off such a thread as I am sure many of us here have our own powerful experiences.
I wanted to start the thread off with a topic that would not LIMIT the types of experiences that could be shared but, would perhaps serve to shine Light into any experience and promote understanding as to WHY we see is as powerful and worth sharing in the first place :)
The topic I thought of to keep in mind as the light to bring us understandings is- union. Unification or connectedness. Indeed, we humans are all connected in many ways, actions motivations and decisions are all connected and unified through our experiences in many ways.

An idea: union (or unification) has been a goal of many (perhaps all) spiritual practices throughout time. Union of the fringe motivations (desires) of the self with the greater self, lower self with the higher, heart and mind, self and nature as a whole, cosmic connectedness, etc...
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I had an experience just now (online) that I must share. It was meant to be so. Please enjoy and share your thoughts :)

This is an organic conversation between me (TheVoice) and another player on a chess site I frequent. It happened unexpectedly and I reproduce it all here:

Users in the room: CircadianKnight.
TheVoice is in charge of this chat.
CircadianKnight: Hi
TheVoice: better here :)
TheVoice: yes- I follow you
CircadianKnight: there is a fourth (form of motion)
CircadianKnight: Transformational
TheVoice: i dig it :)
CircadianKnight: All matter cannot be created or destroyed
CircadianKnight: only Transformed
TheVoice: I fully understand that
CircadianKnight: When a particle of mass is in all of the classical forms of motion at once....
CircadianKnight: it transforms!
CircadianKnight: and undergoes a mass collapse!
TheVoice: nice
CircadianKnight: I hope that this has helped
TheVoice: transforms into?
CircadianKnight: Dark matter
TheVoice: i see
CircadianKnight: Light matter is in its last revolutions
TheVoice: how to induce this?
TheVoice: it is happening naturally- more energy (cosmic)??
CircadianKnight: naturally!!!
TheVoice: I see- yes
TheVoice: thank you brother, I will see more
TheVoice: I am a seeker of truth and now- it finds me :)
CircadianKnight: There are gravitational collapses in any object with mass
CircadianKnight: There are quantum black holes too
CircadianKnight: forget entropy! There are only different energy levels
TheVoice: yes I know much of what you are refering to
CircadianKnight: Much like our counting system of 1-10
TheVoice: yes- only energy- matter is energy
CircadianKnight: Energy is simply matter motion
TheVoice: wow bro- how do you come upon your knowledge and truth?
TheVoice: true matter=energy|energy=matt er
CircadianKnight: Once an object reaches a state of no motion
TheVoice: I cultivate energy- my concern is with myself but transformation is happening everywhere
CircadianKnight: You will transform too!
CircadianKnight: So will I
CircadianKnight: I just await the day
TheVoice: yes- me too brother!
TheVoice: How do you come upon your knowledge?
CircadianKnight: My father is a physicist
TheVoice: nice!
CircadianKnight: He has opened my eyes to many ideas
TheVoice: me- meditation, Falun Dafa and solar gazing
CircadianKnight: You only wish to purify your body and soul by the healing powers of radiant energy
CircadianKnight: the Light
TheVoice: you are great and I am glad you are on my friends list :) thank you for challenging me today and telling me the things you have
TheVoice: YES!
CircadianKnight: will save only part of you
CircadianKnight: Noah... we are manifestations of the Light
TheVoice: I love the Sun- it is the most powerful purification source I have ever embraced- YES, I believe so too, brother
CircadianKnight: We were all once stardust from a great nebula
TheVoice: I know that- we are all stardust :)
CircadianKnight: Careful ... do not be Icarus
CircadianKnight: there is no seeing the light...
CircadianKnight: only being the Light
CircadianKnight: Once you seek something you become a part of it
TheVoice: I will take that to heart
CircadianKnight: We are all interconnected
TheVoice: yes
CircadianKnight: the Web of life itself
CircadianKnight: That is the truth behind the ancient Chinese proverb
CircadianKnight: Be careful what you wish for
TheVoice: I work on opening up to it- recieving the light (information), letting it change me
TheVoice: Buddha- what we think we shall become
CircadianKnight: Exactly!
CircadianKnight: I am on a quest!
TheVoice: it is not about "thinking" per se- it is about FEELING
CircadianKnight: It is a being
CircadianKnight: not a thinking or feeling
TheVoice: BEING it, perfect
TheVoice: you seem very connected, brother
CircadianKnight: I have dodged fate
CircadianKnight: Such event has brought me much wisdom
TheVoice: awesome!
TheVoice: experience is all there is- when you experience something- you gain wisdom
CircadianKnight: Exactly!
CircadianKnight: It is a being to which you transform to
TheVoice: crazy thet alot of people sit sround eyes glued to a screen and dont DO anything
CircadianKnight: There is no final destination other than a transformation
TheVoice: I love my practice- I can feel myself opening up- becoming
TheVoice: YES! I see that
CircadianKnight: Embrace life for its experiences
TheVoice: yessir- now that is very zen-like :)
CircadianKnight: For that's all we will have in our life
TheVoice: true :)
TheVoice: many feel as we do, brother. most do not say or even know how to
CircadianKnight: Even a legendary Reggae singer found this
TheVoice: it is happening though, wild and awesome :D
CircadianKnight: Don't look to heavens for happiness for you can find it on Earth
TheVoice: Great truths cannot be denied, brother
TheVoice: yes!
CircadianKnight: do you know who said this?
TheVoice: so now u see the light, stand up for your right
CircadianKnight: Yes!!!
TheVoice: get up, stand up
TheVoice: :D
TheVoice: marley baby :)
CircadianKnight: Now you see this truth!
TheVoice: yessir
CircadianKnight: Bob marley was enLIGHTened
TheVoice: thank you for opening up to me
TheVoice: I believe he was too- always have :)
CircadianKnight: What is it that you do?
CircadianKnight: are you in a profession ?
CircadianKnight: also randomly -- play chess 960 more often
TheVoice: I am starting a new job monday- I have a very laid back life with little responsibility except raising my 2 daughters
CircadianKnight: It will change you
CircadianKnight: Chess 960 is a bit more fun
TheVoice: I dig 960- I will start many online games, send me a challenge
CircadianKnight: ( transformations of the iterations of Chess)
TheVoice: :)
CircadianKnight: sure
CircadianKnight: I will definitely send you a challenge right now
TheVoice: I have not worked a job for the last 3 weeks- just practicing and being dad
TheVoice: now I will get a job to handle myself and for extra money :)
TheVoice: I live to cultivate myself bro
TheVoice: I am all about spiritual growth and development
TheVoice: and TRANSFORMATION!!! :D
CircadianKnight: you are a very venerable person
CircadianKnight: I am glad to have met you!
TheVoice: likewise :)
TheVoice: thank you, brother, I do not deserve such praise. I do only what I am driven to do inside
TheVoice: you strengthen my determination :)
CircadianKnight: Realize this... every major religion has always referenced transfigurations
TheVoice: hit me a chat whenever you want- if I am here I am always trying to share these things
CircadianKnight: but never fully understood such happenings
TheVoice: I know Religion, bro. YES!!!
CircadianKnight: A transfiguration is simply a Transformation
CircadianKnight: nothing can prepare an entity for that
CircadianKnight: I know first hand
TheVoice: I was a materialistic athiest for many years devoted to study of sacred texts. Then I had my own experiences :)
CircadianKnight: I am not an agnostic or athiest .....
TheVoice: awesomeness
CircadianKnight: there is only one religion
TheVoice: me either now, brother
CircadianKnight: Love
TheVoice: :D I dont think I have EVER heard it put better :D
TheVoice: you def cut to the truth well, brother
CircadianKnight: The embrace of light... to become the light in another's life
TheVoice: yes
CircadianKnight: that is love
TheVoice: yes
Wow, it seems that both of you were well-connected to some sort of infinite knowledge during this conversation. It's almost like reading a poem where the words feel magically put together.
Thank you bro! Yes...this was very special and I felt chills multiple times during the back and forth. This convo was very quick and we were both responding fast most of the time. He (circadianknight) has since sent me a few articles from scientific journals and websites but I am having trouble understanding what it is saying or how it relates to human transformation. I know much about science and physics (for a lay-person) but it is just beyond me :)
Those kinds of conversations happen all the time between myself and Rumas. The only problem is, much of it is lost before it reaches text format to be shared with others. We get into discussions of this nature pretty deep sometimes and the most wonderful things are revealed/channeled.
Yes! I have many natural conversations like this IRL (in real life) but, this was the first time a convo blossomed naturally online. I felt it was MEANT to be shared. These types of conversations have happened with more frequency the past year of my life and have started many "spiritual friendships," which is a term I use to describe a friend where our focus is each other's development and growth.
No doubt many here have deeply connected, spiritual communications, remember a great truth here
The first greatest aim of man(kind) is to understand, the second is to communicate understanding

with love...
Within the last week, I have had 2 separate experiences with 2 different people that both occurred during a Tarot reading.

The first one happened on Friday night when a lady I was reading for was focusing on what she wanted to know, and as she shuffled the deck, a single card went flying out of the deck. It's been my experience that whenever that happens, it is the most powerful message that needs to get to the person being read for. It turned out, the message made perfect sense to her and she knew who it was from. She was in tears, and she thanked me. That one card alone, and not any of the other readings I had done for her earlier that night, that one single card had the most profound effect on her and it changed her mindset on everything. It was an amazing moment. In the interpretation of that 1 card, I had taken all of her worries away.

The second time happened today when I was talking with a friend online. This is a friend I haven't spoken to since highschool. She had me read for her. Again, same thing happened. On the third reading, 2 cards flew out of the deck. Whenever cards fly out like that it is usually one 1 card, but this time it was 2. When I gave her what those cards signified, it really put her mind at ease.

Now I know that some people look at Tarot as pure farce and don't believe in what it shows, but it is a very good divination tool if used properly. There are things that are shown with the cards that may not come through in other ways. After all, it is what the "psychic" that is interpreting the cards sees, and not what the person being read for may think, however, it is the energy from the person asking that makes the cards come up the way they do. It is all about what you need to see and not what you want to see.

I know I have had an impact on many people's lives through these sorts of readings, but these 2 stories I choose to share now because they are the most recent, and it helped these 2 individuals greatly. I feel the importance of communications such as these; it raises the vibrational frequency when it happens like this.
Nice Lady! I love this stuff- when you can actively feel yourself raise up, lighter, expansive. Becoming energy beings (more sensitive to energy) in all ways is a key and in communication, it can be a natural occurrence! Thanks for sharing, beautiful one