Shooting at LAX airport, 20+ shot

Truth Vibrations

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Here comes more Anti-Second Amendment BS...

A Transportation Security Administration agent was killed and several more people wounded when a gunman opened fire on Friday morning at Los Angeles International Airport.

The FBI has identified the shooting suspect as 23-year-old Paul Ciancia. According to law enforcement officials, Ciancia was apprehended on the scene after opening fire at an airport security checkpoint. The TSA officer killed in the attack has been identified as 39-year-old Gerardo I. Hernandez.

Ciancia reportedly suffered a non-lethal gunshot wound and is being treated in a local hospital.

TSA agent killed in LAX shooting, suspect ID'd
Ricklbert.... Your post here is an embarrasment. What are you actually trying to say here? It makes no sense. Linda
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This is what in the real world we call a false flag events. How is reality an embarrassment i know how to discern what is real and what is fake if you think any of this is real then you are truly sleeping and your response could have been a little more subtle this guy here tells it how it is if you cant handle the truth then just ignore my post these events as of late are designed to take our civil liberties away and so far it is working!!!
Wingnut proof that LAX shooter was a false flag operation? Last name of shooter is Ciancia. CIA-n-CIA. IT IS SO OBVIOUS, PEOPLE!
Ricklbert..... I still don't understand.

You said....."This is what in the real world we call a false flag events. How is reality an embarrassment i know how to discern what is real and what is fake if you think any of this is real then you are truly sleeping and your response could have been a little more subtle.

I have a disadvantage here because I can not see the Utube that you have presented and I am trying to figure.... given that disadvantage.. what you actually mean by the statement above....

I have known for years of course that certain public actions have other agendas behind them and what we see is not always actually what is going on..... Disinformation and misinformation has been going on forever.... but in this case.... what are you actually trying to say?

And taking a persons name ( which I assume that he has been known by his entire life Ciancia.... and conveniently twisting it to CIA nCIA is just being cleverly silly.... isn't it? Are you serious yourself?

" Transportation Security Administration agent was killed and several more people wounded when a gunman opened fire on Friday morning at Los Angeles International Airport.

The FBI has identified the shooting suspect as 23-year-old Paul Ciancia. According to law enforcement officials, Ciancia was apprehended on the scene after opening fire at an airport security checkpoint. The TSA officer killed in the attack has been identified as 39-year-old Gerardo I. Hernandez.

Ciancia reportedly suffered a non-lethal gunshot wound and is being treated in a local hospital. "

Since that was the quote that was offered... what about this , please... is a False Flag?

I am not asking this in an antagonistic way, honestly. I am just trying to see how you get from point a to point b here.... and I don't see your connections.

Posting red flags is something that means something entirely different to me.... I laughed when you picked out the mans name as Ciancia... You WERE kidding.... right? Or were you actually serious that we all are supposed to see some sort of connection there. between this man and the CIA?

Thats like me talking about the Destroyer Escort named "Eldridge" in the "Philadelphia Experiment." I could claim then that the naming of that ship was clearly a nod to one of the people involved in the Philadelphia Experiment Project( which ACTUALLY had nothing to do with the Edridge itself) His name was Elridge Johnson.... developer of Victor Talking Machines in the early thirties..... I COULD say that the entire Philadelphia Experiment myth was a fabrication and the TRUTH was that someone just picked the name of the ship as a nod in his direction......a hidden thing like your Ciancia name.

That bag of popcorn makes as much sense as your tie to the CIA here.

Are we both right? Or should we just nod and say.... enough, this is ridiculous!

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Ok hun i can see that you are critical of every member and post here thinking that you are at an advantage to others if you have nothing good to say then do not say it at all please i can see you are a controversial member who assumes to have the upper hand here i am cool with that buy keep the remarks to yourself please you are not the only one who reads these post ok unhypnotize is free for all to post think outside of the box here that is what this site is all about Namaste to you!!
And I am supposed to not at all be critical of what you say here? Why is that? Am I being rude by challenging what you have to say?You say of me

" if you have nothing good to say then do not say it at all please i can see you are a controversial member who assumes to have the upper hand here i am cool with that buy keep the remarks to yourself please you are not the only one who reads these post ok unhypnotize is free for all to post think outside of the box here that is what this site is all about .

I do not think that the Unhypnotize Forum is meant to simply accept everything everyone says here without having the ability to courteously say...." Hey. wait just a minute.... that doesn't make sense to me!"
Why is it so important that I keep my remarks to myself? Am I a threat to you in anyway? I hardly think so!

You want your posts to be strictly onesided then? No one is to challenge what you have said here"
I just want to be clear on what your ground rules are. Am I supposed to shut up because we do not agree?

Free your mind... you say.... and then you try to control mine? Linda
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1. Apparently, not one person interviewed at CIAnCIA's apartment complex recognizes him.

2. CIAnCIA supposedly told police after being shot in the mouth (how is that possible) he "acted alone and was dropped of by someone" - hard enough to believe a man shot in the mouth would be able to talk, but even harder to believe that police would believe him and that even if he could speak he would suddenly cooperate if he hates the "pigs" so much.

3. Law enforcement say that "they don't think the person who dropped CIAnCIA off at the airport knew what he was about to do... But they don't know who that person is!

Which begs a very obvious question: If law enforcement hasn't identified the person who allegedly dropped him off, how can they possibly know that that person "didn't know what CIAnCIA was about to do? After all- they don't even know who the person was.

4. At least one person interviewed said the man was dressed "all in blue, just like TSA" but we are told the man was wearing military fatigues.

5. We were told CIAnCIA used a AR-15 (like all these staged shooting events) but eye-witness says he was clearly using a pump-action shotgun, and a hand-gun.. not an AR-15.. even going so far as to say after one gun ran out, he started using the other.

6. People in the terminal adjacent to terminal 3 (terminal 2) didn't learn there is an emergency in the airport over the loudspeaker intercom system- no- they learn of the emergency by watching television! No siren going off in the airport- no warning to evacuate, people are watching the event on television? What a joke!

7. No video footage has been released by any of the at least 100 CCTV cameras surrounding LAX's traffic approach, or terminal 3.
Ok hun i can see that you are critical of every member and post here thinking that you are at an advantage to others if you have nothing good to say then do not say it at all please i can see you are a controversial member who assumes to have the upper hand here i am cool with that buy keep the remarks to yourself please you are not the only one who reads these post ok unhypnotize is free for all to post think outside of the box here that is what this site is all about Namaste to you!!

I see you've met Linda Brown. :lol:
And I am supposed to not at all be critical of what you say here? Why is that? Am I being rude by challenging what you have to say?You say of me

" if you have nothing good to say then do not say it at all please i can see you are a controversial member who assumes to have the upper hand here i am cool with that buy keep the remarks to yourself please you are not the only one who reads these post ok unhypnotize is free for all to post think outside of the box here that is what this site is all about .

I do not think that the Unhypnotize Forum is meant to simply accept everything everyone says here without having the ability to courteously say...." Hey. wait just a minute.... that doesn't make sense to me!"
Why is it so important that I keep my remarks to myself? Am I a threat to you in anyway? I hardly think so!

You want your posts to be strictly onesided then? No one is to challenge what you have said here"
I just want to be clear on what your ground rules are. Am I supposed to shut up because we do not agree?

Free your mind... you say.... and then you try to control mine? Linda

You know Hilary, if you weren't so busy playing "Linda Brown" perhaps you would have been able to pick-up the phone prior to the Benghazi massacre.

Just saying.... are you going to call me delusional now and then attack me for being your husband again? :haha: Such good times.