
Source of life, the Great Central Sun, and the Grand Central Magnet
Friday, March 27, 2009

The light and energy are synonyms of life, not destroy. Everything radiates a living emanation of white light. White light is in the rainbow colors divide all the different vibration levels. The color is a vibration and vibration is the manifestation of a certain form of consciousness.

Never the Spirit was born;

the Spirit shall cease to be never!

Source of Life

Everything is energy. Every living and non living matter is nothing else than an electro-magnetic force field of the pulsating waves of energy that radiates the light.

The light and energy are synonyms of life, not destroy. Everything radiates a living emanation of white light. White light is in the rainbow colors divide all the different vibration levels. The color is a vibration and vibration is the manifestation of a certain form of consciousness.

This means that the entire universe and everything in life at a particular level of consciousness is. There is a wide range of different levels of consciousness in the universe to find the very slow vibration of awareness material (infrared) to high vibrating manifestation of the spiritual consciousness (ultraviolet). All living things are somewhere in this full color range.

The Cosmic Law of evolution is based on a forward spiral of life that increasingly higher on a ladder of Divine Cosmic consciousness climbs. The acceleration or the acceleration of a vibration level of all living beings is a motto of Life itself.

Grand Central Sunday

Life is the first and most important need for all living forms in the spiritual and material world. This energy is the universe unconditionally from the Source of life given as an everlasting fountain of the whole universe of constant flow (energy) provides. This source is located in the center of the spiritual universe. It is a white fire core of light that spirals from the Grand Central Sunday by spreading the universe. The Great Central Sun is the Source of Life who in the highest spheres of the spiritual world is. It is a spiritual power that the Spirit and Matter together.

The Great Central Sun is a sphere of intense light, a white fire core of winding lava energy for the lower vibrations of consciousness is not tolerated. There is a spiritual ladder of spiritual beings in the universe exists (including Elohim, Arch Angels, Deva, etc.) make up a Hierarchy of Light to life forms from the Great Central Sunday for all levels of life and pleasant available, because excessive vibrations of the spiritual power to kill the lower forms of the universe.

Spirit and Matter

The Great Central Sun is the core of the spiritual world and the spiritual cause of physical life in the matter. The material world is a training and test site, a laboratory for the sacred spiritual world. Matter is a dimension that has been created for the practical test of mental forms in the spiritual universe. The Matter is viable because of the constant flow of life energy from the power of this dimension are administered. There is a harmonious collaboration between the spheres of light and the physical creations of the matter. After all life forms in the material world is filled, turn them back to the Grand Central Sunday offered the information, inspiration and experience of the living creatures in the matter.

The Spirit is the source of Life for the Matter and the Matter is the source of the wide experience of the Spirit.

Spirit and Matter were never in combat or been in confrontation with each other. These are two additional forces in complete harmony and balance the energy of the Source of Life with exchange. That is the essence and the spiritual content of the Cosmic Tai Chi between Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter.

Grand Central Magnet

The Cosmic Tai Chi - the energy exchange according to 8-figure between male and female polarity of the whole on a principle of the magnet based. The biggest magnet of the universe is located on the Grand Central Sunday The attraction and the exchange of the magnetic force works as a cosmic generator of all life in the entire universe is in use. The rhythmic pulsation of the Great Cosmic Magnet caused the waves of energy in the form of light spirals are spread throughout the universe.

The Cosmic Magnet is a special dual function: it generates and sends the pure light / energy to all parts of the universe, but also magnetic and it draws the energy of the Cosmos back. On Sunday the Grand Central is also the discharge of the energy position of the forces of darkness came. The energy is not destroyed. Therefore, everything unclean and not pure to the Grand Central Sunday to return to re-polarization to be upgraded. All qualified energy loss every time to its original white state by the magnetic purified.

Alpha and Omega

The Male (+) and female (-) manifestation of the Divine, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of the Cosmic Circle of Tai Chi are the two original forces in the universe that the Father-Mother God representation. Alpha and Omega are the spiritual ancestors of all the souls that originated on the Grand Central Sunday found.

In fact, all the souls on the Grand Central Sunday by Alpha and Omega created. Every soul has a long way to go in its development process: first drops them into the world of Matter where they using just use the free will of a master on its own life and then as a conqueror to the Grand Central Sunday returned to the glory of its unique manifestation of divinity.

Original source: http://www.novosite.nl/

Source: aquariusage
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