Spiritual Healing Service (Distance Healing) And Instructions For Posting

Lady of Light

I would like to take this time to present another service here at Unhypnotize.com.

We are now offering a Healing service for those in need. This is a free service that anyone can join in on if they wish to help to heal or need assistance with someone who is in need of healing.

The biggest, most important issue when it comes to healing someone is, the person getting the "healing", must WANT to be healed or the healing will only be temporary if it takes place at all. If the person being healed does not believe they will be better, then there is nothing that can be done, because ultimately, it is up to the individual whether or not he/she gets better and/or lives.

I also ask, that for each individual to be healed, a new thread be started so that the energies flow in the right places for everyone to be healed. Do not post under another to be healed unless you are addressing that particular individual and his/her healing process. So, 1 (one) thread per person to be healed.

Thank you,

Lady of Light :)

PS. You can start your threads in here anytime you wish and we will begin sending the appropriate healing energies right away! :)
Are those healers who contribute meant to confirm/acknowledge their efforts in the thread or is anonymity allowed/accepted? I'm happy to abide by whatever is preferred, I'd just like to know the ground rules for all parties. :)

I would have to say that anyone may do as they please. They may remain anonymous in their aid or can acknowledge at will. This section is aimed at helping others to heal (from a distance) in any form that a healer may choose to give.

My only preferrment would be that if you are in this section, you are either A) in need of healing, or B) are willing to help heal. If you wish to be acknowledged for your efforts, that's ok by me. If anonymity is what is preferred, that's ok by me as well.

And if it seems like I didn't answer the question right, you can rephrase and try again. :)

But, it's open to all in any manner they wish to use it, as long as no one is asking for money for their healing of anyone.
Right. I just wondered if healers needed to state that they had done something. I will try both ways and see what happens.

One thought I just had is that if some do state their effort and others don't, and someone is healed or the condition worsens, we will not have an accurate record of what actually transpired. One might be either credited or blamed for any given result when it could be someone else unstated producing whatever effect. What is your view on this?
I totally see your point and agree that there could be those who are not stating they are helping and could be making things worse. I see that, yes. I just feel, that some people don't want recognition for what they do to help, and that is ok with me. I'm not going to prevent someone from what they do to actively heal whether or not they state they are doing something. After all, there will be those that choose to go ahead and do these things anyhow without any knowledge of anyone at what they have chosen to do. I'm not going to force people to sign up and log-in in order to heal someone. If they wish to heal, they will. And vice-versa. But anyone wishing do sign-up and let everyone know their efforts toward someone's cause to heal someone, they are more than welcomed.

To be honest, we can't keep tabs, no matter how hard we try or how much we may want to, of anyone who will do what they please. The idea is that the forum is available for people to post what they need, and it is up to anyone who wished to help to do so in whatever way they choose.

I personally choose to let people know what I've been doing to help. I like to keep everyone updated on the status of the healing. And if feedback comes in about the healing, then that is great to hear because the energy can then be shifted accordingly.

I'm always happy to discuss more, if there is more to discuss. So if I haven't addressed something, once again, don't hesitate to ask. :) I'm always here. :)
Hahaha! I just tried to respond to this but found myself chasing every angle of the situation. At the end of the day, anyone open to anything will receive it if they want to. If they don't, there is no way it will get in. Everyone involved needs to remember that.

I, for one, will probably go in stealth mode. I want to see what happens. This will be interesting. :)
Everyone has within their 'raft of potentials' the ability to heal, and, to be healed
- this is an interesting website