Strange Sounds Heard Around World Solved - Navy VLF: Responsible for Animal Deaths and Strange Noises?

White Rabbit

New member
Dutchsinse uploaded a video that may explaining many of the unusual sounds that have been heard around the world.

Here is the complete footage of the movie Body Found Mermaids which was aired on Animal Planet a week ago:

More info:
The Navy utilizing a new sonar weapon put ultra high frequency waves under the sea triggered the whales to wash up on beaches. All of the ocean animals found on the beaches had blood coming out of their ears, and strange abnormal growths within their body cells and damaged organs. NOAA researcher used sonar listening equipment in the sea and recorded the sounds just before the whales washed up on shoreline. The sounds are identical to the sounds everybody has been hearing around the globe.

The Dutchsinse video explains this. They think a mermaid was also on the shore with the whales, the Navy was called in and they roped the area off, removed the body.
The top video has been removed, either by Dutchsinse or by YouTube. Makes you wonder how much truth there is to the stuff especially after YouTube removes it. It's like they martyred the video.
I don't think that's the entire story. There's more to it than that. That's the cover, so what are they REALLY doing? Or, if they are doing that sonic testing, what ELSE are they doing?

You KNOW that can't be the full story! It doesn't add up all that has been seen and heard. This is a cover to appease the united states, but what about the rest of the world? The us navy is admitting to conducting their test over there too? BS! I don't buy it.

They're up to something, and it's not the navy that's involved in all of it.
Well with all those whale and dolphin beachings, it makes you wonder if the US Navy is responsible? However the sounds heard in Ukraine and Canada as well as elsewhere the Navy is what supposedly caused sounds? If so what were they doing with the sounds and for what purpose? Or is that just a cover what they were really doing?
Oh, I don't doubt that the US Navy has been doing something. And hey, maybe they truly believe that it was themselves that was causing all those noises and deaths. (The animal deaths, especially in the water I can surely attribute to sonic technology, but not the birds. I just don't see how that would affect the birds.)

But this doesn't take away from the fact that there is way more going on, beyond what the Navy has admitted to. So, I say, don't fall for that piddly-ass excuse.
Well they had to come up with something. This way if they say anything people accept the answer and stop searching for it. Then they can move on.

As for the birds, every object has a residence, if you reach that resonance frequency of an object interesting things happen. If they were able to reach a residence in the sky that somehow disrupted the birds abilities to fly or even reached the residents of their skeletal structure or organs they could've done some serious damage to the birds. And all that can be done through sound.