Suspicious0bservers leads FALSE FLAG campaign to delete Dutchsinse -- evil success

100th Monkey

New member

Published on 4 Aug 2013

Read below about suspicious0bservers (Benjamin Davidson) and his entire HOLLYWOOD FAMILY -- actors and movies !!
Suspicous0bservers led a campaign to false flags my videos .. which has now resulted in the termination of my main Dutchsinse channel.

My channel had NO strikes, NO violations of any kind. Then .. in one fell swoop.. they hit my videos as "objectionable".

The video the unfairly slammed as "inappropriate" COMMUNITY GUIDELINES VIOLATION was a RADAR video !!! Title of the pulled content "huntsville RADAR mystery.. BAE system, Decibel Research, Raytheon" -- Objectionable? what?! A RADAR video?

They give me no appeal option, and unjustly shut down the whole channel. Only one violation made it to my inbox .. now, 700+ videos and three hard years worth of work .. all gone !

All due to a false accusation from suspicious0bservers.. saying I threatened his family?? THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS !!

My lifes work gone. For no reason.

See the whole thing here.

see the original message I sent to suspicious0bservers.. NO THREATS, and no release of info ! Proving Benjamin Davidson / Suspicious0bservers is a total freak job liar


scum at suspicious0bservers. Hollywood scum as it turns out.

They have forced my hand on this. And ruined my lifes hard work now.

You guys deserve to know the whole truth:

Benjamin Davidson, and the hollywood company that OWNS HIS TRADEMARK (KAHB LLC) are such "boy toy"s. You'll understand the "boy toy" comment in a minute.


Turns out suspicous0bservers whole family is involved in HOLLYWOOD.. seriously.. making movies.. acting in movies.. million dollar budgets. the whole bit.

The people who own KAHB LLC also own Levine Davidson Film company .. which made the movie "Boy Toy" (2011) --- starring suspicious0bservers sister.. Kaylen Davidson ..

Literally , its a WHOLE hollywood family.. his dad makes movies.. his sister stars in them.

No joke.

heres his company info

LUCIE GRAVEL (director) :: OpenCorporates...

Here is suspicious0bservers trademark .. owned by KAHB LLC (hollywood company co-owned by s0 and his dad Charles E. Davidson)

here's his mylife, which shows his relations to his hollywood actress sister, and his hollywood movie producer dad --- notice his sister stars in her dads movies .

Here's the sisters actress IMDB .. notice she starred in Boy Toy.. which was produced by Levine Davidson.. which is owned by Charles E. Davidson out of clearwater florida --- the same people who own the suspicious0bservers trademark !!!

Boy Toy (2011) - IMDb
Kaylen Davidson - IMDb...

So she starred in her dads movie. Her Dad owns a hollywood film company. And owns "suspicous0bservers" trademark... receives all the money from suspicious0bservers PAYPAL DONATIONS !!!

WOW ! are you serious!?

Charles E. Davidson owning multiple companies out of clearwater florida .. hollywood movie company also as KAHB receiving donations --

Turns out this is just one of a few media companies!!!! OMG!
Can you believe these hollywood jerks got my channel deleted.


And yes.. sometimes I really do hate my life


Seriously though :) .. please pray for me (if youre an atheist please think on me lol)

Cheers to all who love the truth.
The Dutchsinse YouTube video that THEY don't want US to see!

This is the video on Huntsville Alabama that Dutchsinse posted just be for they killed his YouTube Channel.

There may be something big in here they are trying to hide.
