[Must Read!] That's No Phone. That's My Tracker.


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THE device in your purse or jeans that you think is a cellphone — guess again. It is a tracking device that happens to make calls. Let’s stop calling them phones. They are trackers.

Most doubts about the principal function of these devices were erased when it was recently disclosed that cellphone carriers responded 1.3 million times last year to law enforcement requests for call data. That’s not even a complete count, because T-Mobile, one of the largest carriers, refused to reveal its numbers. It appears that millions of cellphone users have been swept up in government surveillance of their calls and where they made them from. Many police agencies don’t obtain search warrants when requesting location data from carriers.

Thanks to the explosion of GPS technology and smartphone apps, these devices are also taking note of what we buy, where and when we buy it, how much money we have in the bank, whom we text and e-mail, what Web sites we visit, how and where we travel, what time we go to sleep and wake up — and more. Much of that data is shared with companies that use it to offer us services they think we want.

Read the whole article. It's worth seeing just how deeply these things peer into your lives - and you allow it to happen. Get rid of them. Be contactable via email or post, or then good old-fashioned face-to-face is always nice. Imagine how free you'll feel when you can go to the toilet without someone ringing you just then. Think about that. Freedom, every single time you want to sit down to read a book, or take a walk, or bake a cake, or re-pot a plant. Imagine it.

Take back your sovereignty and your privacy. Be worthy of the space you take on this planet.
I haven't had a cell phone for probably going on five years now. I watch people walking around with their head down fiddling with their phone all the time and I can't imagine living like that. I enjoy my privacy and my freedom and a cell phone is just not something I want to be a part of my life.
Of course cell phones are tracking devices. To me, that's a no-brainer. Too many people thinking it's the greatest thing not even paying attention to the fact that these phones do more harm than good. They make you want these gadgets but what they don't tell you is that they track your every move and keep tabs on you no matter where you go and what you do. They track you even when they are off, or when the battery dies. It's sickening.
Cell phones are not only tracking devices are also huge distractions. Ever I go all I see is people glued to their cell phones, and of course the call you over to show you what they're doing on their cell phone, like you actually care.
It's interesting that they track and trace everything in our lives, but (at least here) if someone goes missing - a child or a teen - they won't use the phone to locate them. It can be done, but they don't utilize it. They just want to know what you're doing, where and with whom you're doing it. To use it for something benevolent isn't a consideration though. Such is the state of our civilization.
It's interesting that they track and trace everything in our lives, but (at least here) if someone goes missing - a child or a teen - they won't use the phone to locate them. It can be done, but they don't utilize it. They just want to know what you're doing, where and with whom you're doing it. To use it for something benevolent isn't a consideration though. Such is the state of our civilization.

Using it to track people such as a lost child would tip their hand as to how much power they have over somebody who has a cell phone and they don't want to do this. If everybody knew how much information they have on you just because of your cell phone, trust and faith in them may dwindle.
Using it to track people such as a lost child would tip their hand as to how much power they have over somebody who has a cell phone and they don't want to do this. If everybody knew how much information they have on you just because of your cell phone, trust and faith in them may dwindle.

Your right Monkey. To use it to track missing people, especially children, would admit that they are able to track your every move. They wouldn't want people to know they are doing that. To use such a thing for good would be great, but that'll never happen. Not with the sinister people in charge. They track you, and deny they do it until they get caught and them make up some lame excuse. Of course, that lame excuse would include why they CAN'T use it to track missing people. that's usually the way anyway.
Plus I don't think the local police have access to tracking people by cell phone. The federal police might, but I think it's actually hidden from them at this level as well. Higher than that they definitely have access to this type of technology, I'm hesitant to call this technology even though it is because this is really old technology.