The Easter Island “Heads” Have Bodies

White Rabbit

New member
The Easter Island “Heads” not only have bodies but they are presumed to be 60,000 years old.

Maybe this isn’t a newsflash to anyone but me, but, um, the Moai “heads” on Easter Island have bodies. Because some of the statues are set deep into the ground, and because the heads on the statues are disproportionately large, many people (myself included) tend to think of them as just big heads. But the bodies (generally not including legs, though there is at least one kneeling statue) are there — in many cases, underground. What’s even more interesting — there are petroglyphs (rock markings) that have been preserved below the soil level, where they have been protected from erosion. This research report has been making the rounds; it discusses recent progress by The Easter Island Statue Project to uncover, study, and catalogue two statues. It includes (among the dry details of the research) a day-by-day journal of the work, as well as remarkable photographs showing the petroglyphs and team members excavating. Above is an image from a previous excavation (source unknown) that shows you the scale of the statues, and how deep they were buried. (Note: visitors are prohibited from climbing on the Moai; the expedition pictured above appears to predate the EISP and the current practice of conservation.)
For more on the Easter Island statues, read more about the EISP, read their extensive research reports, and check out the Wikipedia page on Moai (which also discusses the fairly well-known fact that many of the statues used to have hats or possibly topknots, known as pukao). Also interesting is the back story of archaeology on Easter Island (also known as Rapa Nui); apparently the island has been the subject of archaeological research for 119 years.
Update: thanks to some footwork by reader algomeysa, we’ve determined that this photo is from Thor Heyerdahl’s book Easter Island: The Mystery Solved.
(Via Jason Scott.)

Read the full text here:

Truth Vibrations

New member
Makes you wonder if the statues are made to size? Are they modeled after Giants?

According to the Easter Island natives the Moai “heads” walked to their current locations on their own. Advanced antigravity technology?


New member
Well, in any case, that's just cool. I had no idea that they had bodies to them. It never even occurred to me that they might. Duh, it only makes sense. I wonder when that picture's from. Looks very 80s or even late 70s.

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
Based on the guy in the middle right side in the blue suit it definitely looks like it could be 70s or early 80s. I just want to know why we haven't heard that these heads had bodies before. I've seen lots of shows on Easter Island but I've never seen him mention the fact that the body was dug up.


New member
Come to think of it, they touched on Easter Island on things like Ancient Aliens and they NEVER mentioned an expedition that had uncovered the body sections. They like to get full into those kind of details. I wonder if they are aware of this fact. With a picture THAT old, this should be more well known.

Not to mention, now that we KNOW they have bodies, were these statues buried on purpose? Maybe the island wasn't an island at the time the statues were there. MAYBE, they were like poles or something sticking out of the water. Something more to consider.


Yeah I seen that ancient aliens episode as well and they never mentioned anything about the heads having any bodies. You think they would've mentioned that, it's kind of important!


New member
Yeah I seen that ancient aliens episode as well and they never mentioned anything about the heads having any bodies. You think they would've mentioned that, it's kind of important!

Kinda! This would give more basis to the Alien theory associated with Easter Island! Someone should tell Geogio over at Ancient Aliens. He'd probably go ape-shit! lol! Love that guy!


They should have is a revisited episode where they go back and touch on missing pieces of information from previous episodes.

I'm 'not saying it was aliens, I'm saying it is almost certainly aliens' ~Geogio



New member
They should have is a revisited episode where they go back and touch on missing pieces of information from previous episodes.

I'm 'not saying it was aliens, I'm saying it is almost certainly aliens' ~Geogio


Ya, they should. Those would make great episodes. Just to grab those little tidbits of "new" information about a few different things/places. Kind of an "update" on what's either been found out about it, or what's been speculated since the last time they touched on it.

they really SHOULD go back to Easter Island for THIS bit. Kind of important, don't you think! To have just modeled a HEAD after some alien(s) is one thing, but to have carved the entire body, that's a whole bigger story (pun intended, lol).

BTW, love that quote!

100th Monkey

New member
You guys are derailing the thread a little bit here, but you right I would like to see ancient aliens go back and fill in the extra information they found out since the episodes aired.

I had no idea that the Easter island heads had bodies either.


New member
How is that derailed? It's right on topic! We're talking about the Easter Island statues, which were thought to be just heads and how they should be talked about more on shows like Ancient Aliens which has already talked about them, just without the bodies.

I don't see how that's off topic. If it is, can you explain in more detail what you mean?

Easter Island heads (which now, and apparently for a long time have known to have bodies), have been discovered to have bodies and that should be touched on in ANY documentary that talks about them. So why isn't it?

Are these people aware of this information and are forbidden to talk about it? If so, why? And if not, why is this information hidden, even from those researchers?
Either way, why's the information not made public?


Maybe they don't know like we didn't? Maybe this is not common knowledge? But for anybody who did do the research on any of the documentaries and they failed to uncover this bit of information they should have a stern talking to!


New member
Maybe they don't know like we didn't? Maybe this is not common knowledge? But for anybody who did do the research on any of the documentaries and they failed to uncover this bit of information they should have a stern talking to!

No kidding. Who's doing the research for these people? They should have been able to uncover this information. And if they looked and didn't find this, maybe it WAS covered up. But why?


Oh I never considered the cover-up possibility, it is possible they do not want us to know they have bodies. But why? Maybe there is some hidden secret on Easter island but they do not want us to uncover? Or they do not want the island have any more attention than it already has. Or they don't want people going and digging up the bodies of the other heads?

I just find it very strange that I've never heard that these heads had bodies.