The Elite Are Trying To Wipe Us Out Any Way They Can And Are Failing Miserably


New member
You want to talk about depopulation? How about this one: Hurricane Irene was sent inland to wipe out the eastern seaboard. Look at the path and unusual intensity at the distance it traveled. What the hell is that? They failed though. It didn't quite go to plan. The storm died out before they wanted it to. Oh, I'm sure they'll try again. They're running out of time for their little plans to take us out. Too bad for them though. We're catching on. More and more people catching on by the day/hour/minute/second. Word is spreading.

They've tried so many things to wipe us out. Foods, our water supplies, chemtrails, etc. But they are failing at every attempt. The ways that ARE working are slow. Too slow for their liking, but it's all they've got.

Don't worry though, they'll get theirs. I hear that energy wave is coming and they are in a huge panic right about now. They've stopped being able to control the sun and they can't stop it. It's coming.

The best thing to do is to not be afraid. Look at the truth and don't let it frighten you. Instead, embrace it. Accept it. Most of all NO FEAR! They want us afraid. They put us in fear constantly. Just look at the truth. It's all around you. It's inside you.

Chew on that!
Whatever. They are not. Why would they do that? What do they have to gain from it? It doesn't make any sense.
Whether you want to believe it or not is up to you. There is plenty of evidence that says this is true. Like, it has been proven that the military is responsible for spreading chemtrails, and Monsanto owns all farmers' crops because of the genetically modified seed they provide. Farmers are not allowed to save seed like they have always done in the past. The seeds are patented by Monsanto, which I think is BS, and we need to fight back and not allow this s**t to happen. It's people like you who are allowing this stuff to continue because you're eyes are not open. You seriously need to wake up and join the fight, otherwise, you're just aiding in the side of evil.
Whether you want to believe it or not, when it comes to the Illuminati, they're not all necessarily bad. I'm not saying I approve of what they're doing, but what I am saying is that there are those born into it that don't actually agree with what is going on, but have to go along with it for fear of what will happen to them if they don't.

People like Benjamin Fulford, have been forthcoming with things that are going on inside these elite groups. He is part of it (born into it), but he doesn't necessarily like what they are doing. In fact, I think most of the people in our governments (lower government that is) have no clue what really goes on and they are just as brainwashed as the general public (if not more). It's only upon reaching the 'controlling levels' that they find out that they actually have little or no control of what they do and they either play ball or risk losing their 'fortune' for lack of a better word.

Bottom line, money talks, and our so-called leaders listen. But there are those that fight back from within, we just don't see it necessarily. That doesn't mean stop fighting back. And it doesn't mean that what you say isn't going on. I'm sure it is, but we don't see everything, and there are those that try to prevent it from within the ranks. That's one of the reasons it's taken them so long to implement certain things against us.

Keep fighting, for sure. I agree with the whole non-compliance thing. That to me is the best way to fight.
Whether or not they're 'good' and on the inside to protect themselves is irrelevent. They're still allowing this s**t to happen. They're not preventing it in any way that I can see, so how can I believe that they 'may' be. Everything I see is damaging to us as a civilization and it's gotta stop. You sound like you're siding with them.
I am not at all siding with the evil on this planet. Or any other planet for that matter. I believe myself to be a light being stuck in a human earth body this time around.

I don't at all agree with what these elite are doing to us. I'm just being objective. I'm looking at it from all angles and I'm just taking into account that these poor people may think they are actually helping us. It's sick to think about it that way, but you have to look at their possible point of view. I mean, how else could they possibly go along with most of the negative things they do? I don't know, maybe they are just plain evil and enjoy it.

The point is, we don't know because we are not them.

And again, just to be clear, I do not agree with the elite or Illuminati, call them what you will. I am on the side of good, not evil, hence this website. I grow my own food when I can and I stay away from pre-processed foods as much as possible. I buy my meats from clean sources (free from hormones and antibiotics).

I'm glad you are very passionate about stopping these people from harming us, but just try to look at things more objectively. Look at all angles, and you will be better off spiritually.