
Truth feeder
From G. Edward Griffin's website: http://www.realityzone.com/currentperiod.html

In 2 1/2 minutes, an Australian psychiatrist explains the hoax within psychiatry. It doesn't get any clearer than this. CCHR 2009 Oct 23 (Cached)

What's Wrong with Psychiatry? A Psychiatrist Explains...

Dr. Niall McLaren, an Australian practicing psychiatrist for 22 years, explains what is wrong with the psychiatric profession: That it cannot/will not take criticism, for fear the entire model of biological psychiatry will unravel.

That there is no science to psychiatric diagnoses, no brain based diseases. And that psychiatry only pushes mental disorders as biological disease in order to convince people to take psychiatric drugs, causing a host of dangerous side effects.

For more psychiatrists/psychologists and doctors who have spoken out against the fraud of psychiatry's biological model of mental disorders (chemical imbalance, etc) click here: http://www.cchrint.org/psychiatric-d...entific-tests/

VIDEO (2:39):