Hello Ian Chris, I can’t thank you enough for the information you have provided, and you are right, Frank Webster does work out of London, or rather his son does now. Everything you are saying is true and you have every right to be angry, but I have to remain positive because although your experiences and mine have been unbearable, I still have to point out that I have also been helped.
I was told a long time ago that Frank had created a monster but I did not know what they mean. The part I got caught up in without my knowledge or consent was like you said originally, the sexual part of straight men being watched during sex for money and exploitation. One guy took a fancy to me and regularly had sex with me but I was in a kind of hypnotic state. It turns out that most of the people involved in my story have had some sort of training in hypnosis and the magic circle and are therefore never going to speak about this.
The most difficult part was the sophisticated sound they use around the home, which travels through the air waves and appears as it is coming through the walls. You can imagine trying to explain this to someone and you are immediately labelled psychotic. If you read Dr John Hall’s book on this subject I experience exactly what his girlfriend Malory experienced. The only difference with me is I never ever thought I was deluded or insane as I caught Lorraine Perretta once talking about how Frank hated me, but I never knew who Frank was. The Frank I am mentioning is a Frank who worked for Frank Webster as part of the bizarre interviewing/theatrical events that used to take place. They met in Hammersmith, West London, and a whole new section of the Illuminati was formed. The only problem here was the new members, i.e. Frank was working for Frank Webster along with a large gang of others but they had no idea they were implanted themselves. They used to implant people themselves and observe them and then started to get carried away with all sorts of strange mind control and sexual activities for fun. One day, when Lorraine Perretta had set me up in my home with this gang, one of them realised that some of the things I was being made to do reminded him of himself and he suddenly realised he was implanted and went berserk. From that moment on he was hell bent on trying to find out as much information through me, which is why I am still suffering. All of a sudden Frank Webster turned on Lorraine’s Frank and things started to get really scary with all sorts of people turning up dead.
I believe Lorraine Perretta knows both Frank’s but there is another Lorraine known to Frank Webster who is more elegant and possibly Eastern European, quite a strong person. I know that Frank Webster has a sexual appetite like the Marquis De Sade, something I understand but not my scene at all. Also I understand that if you have so much money and have a sexual appetite that is not normal you will go to great lengths, but these will never be understood by anyone else unless they have the same appetite. It’s a little bit like an addict needing another addict to help them or understand them. Some of the things I did in my addiction would only be accepted by another addict because that is how it works, the fellowships help struggling addicts to come to terms with the past. To most people this is not acceptable and why a lot of people never recover. I surround myself with likeminded people as much as I can now otherwise I suffer due to their ignorance.
Only yesterday I spoke to someone about my situation but I felt as if I was led there and it was the best day I have had in years. A person who believed me and who is going to help me. My plight is getting easier but far from perfect. Every time I show a medical person the two implants in my scrotum they immediately can’t help or tell me it’s nothing. I almost don’t blame them, who would want to get involved in this; to them it is unbelievably scary.
I would like to say thanks though IanChris, similar to an addict or someone that has experienced what we have, your information has been so helpful and we meant to meet. I just hope some of the people helping me filter through to you because I know there some good one’s amongst this, trust me.
If you or anyone knows anything about wireless speakers controlled by mobile phones or computers that can be place anywhere around your home, please let me know.
Take care everyone and keep positive, faith, hope and courage, and my higher power.