The Vril & Thule societies & NAZI UFO's

Truth Vibrations

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This documentary explains the origins of the Thule & Vril societies in Austria/Germany between the wars. They made contact through mediums not from gods as first thought, but ET's mediums from the Aldebaran solar system. Thus video shows how Hitler and his top NAZI's became involved with the Thule & Vril societies and how his scientists developed the first prototype fling saucer planes.

Video info:
Evidence of the use of extra terrestrial technology.

One of the last great mysteries of the 20th century is the occult past of the 3rd Reich and membership of secret societies by some of its leading exponents.

The question as to whether these people were aware of the existence of lost extraterrestrial technologies, once applied by past advanced cultures, is raised by completely new research, supported by historical documents and original film footage of
the period.

Were the disk-shaped flying objects (UFOs), driven by anti-gravitation forces, actually constructed?. Test pilots, engineers and investigators explain the Nazi program for space travel and contact with aliens. Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.

keywords; UFO conspiracy Illuminati mars coverup secret space program anti-gravity free energy Nazi technology Atlantis.
First, it’s never ever been a SUCH thing as a flying saucer in the history of life, neither self, nor the galaxy.

Second, the flying saucer was created by Adolf Hitler because he was trying to bring back to life the flying triangle that had 3 saucers like engines underneath.

He was building theses cylindrical round engines to lift the massive triangle spaceship that an explorer found in the late 1800s.

The only thing they found that had detached it self from the triangle space ship was a hand held object called the bell.

The ‘bell’ was a hand held object that when touched would boost the bearers brain by 46 to 65 % to higher intelligent.

Adolf Hitler was one of the test subject in the early 1900s, all the test subjects that touched the bell where all drawn together meaning that they were bind together ,at least those that didn’t touch the bell and turn into a vegetable like mind.

That one triangle that was found in Germany has been in your history more than you can ever imagine. That one triangle was the Noah’s ark in your history, after Noah’s ark, it was then the city of Atlantis in your history ,and THEN when it was opened, it than became 94% of every technology that came out of Germany and is still coming out of Germany.

alot of people were assainated after working very hard on the saucer disighn to lift the triangle,and alot of disinformation WAS put into place to hide what was really going on,and by looking at these worked.

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First, it’s never ever been a thing as a flying saucer in the history of life, neither self, nor the galaxy.

Second, the flying saucer was created by Adolf Hitler because he was trying to bring back to life the flying triangle that had 3 saucers like engines underneath.

He was building theses cylindrical round engines to lift the massive triangle spaceship that an explorer found in the late 1800s.

The only thing they found that had detached it self from the triangle space ship was a hand held object called the bell.

The ‘bell’ was a hand held object that when touched would boost the bearers brain by 46 to 65 % to higher intelligent.

Adolf Hitler was one of the test subject in the early 1900s, all the test subjects that touched the bell where all drawn together meaning that they were bind together ,at least those that didn’t touch the bell and turn into a vegetable like mind.

That one triangle that was found in Germany has been in your history more than you can ever imagine. That one triangle was the Noah’s ark in your history, after Noah’s ark, it was then the city of Atlantis in your history ,and when it was opened,and it than became 94% of every technology that came out of Germany and is still coming out of Germany.

alot of people were assainated after working very hard on the saucer disighn to lift the triangle,and alot of disinformation was also put into place to hide what was really going on,and by looking at these worked.


I have to disagree with your first statement Gemini. I am not sure what point you were trying to make but when you say point blank..."First, it’s never ever been a thing as a flying saucer in the history of life, neither self, nor the galaxy.

But I have stood and watched one demonstrating the propulsion technology. These demonstrations were written about and verified by both the FBI and other observers.... so it wasn't my imagination. I don't know how you can come to such a wide ranging conclusion.

Now I know that you feel that you are writing many years ahead of this time.... but isn't it still important to be accurate. I can't comment on the rest of your message... because I can't get past this single thing..... can you help out. Linda
Just want to add this thought.... Gemini.... I think that we all have a role in this new age so every view that you have and every view that I have are all part of the important pattern of this " tapestry" that is coming together for our future. The fact that I have had one experience and that you have had a completely different one does not mean that we can not discuss what is happening here and what we can learn from it.

For some reason we are here talking with each other. There is communication offering itself. Lets not lose this opportunity to react and respond to it. All my best........ Linda
Thats great Gemini... I agree with you.... at least partially..... but I still have questions

In 1957 Dad handed me a whole stack of NICAP reports of " Flying Saucers" around the world. NICAP was the organization that he had founded the year before in Washington DC but now we were living in Florida but he was keeping close tabs on what information they were getting. The person who was operating their office was also still sending Dad material so we were getting everything that the Washington NICAP office was getting. Dad handed me those papers and asked me to separate some of the " reports".... setting aside the ones that " WOBBLED" He added to the instructions " Those are OURS"

He never explained himself. I should have asked him what he meant then but in those years I had already learned that some questions just had no answers to them and I think I already figured that would be one of those questions.

So I ask all of us.... what did he mean by that? wHY WOULD " OURS" wobble?. And if one group of saucers ( that wobble) ARE OURS... then who was operating the others?..... or.... what were they maybe? aLOT OF QUESTIONS STILL!!!! Linda
Apparently Gemini alot of people are still using the term " wobbled" when they describe what these saucer shaped things do. I was interested in this report that I just found because the dimension of the saucer fit closely with the ones that Dad was having me look for.... About 30feet in diameter.... but this particular report was in the summer of 1965. Apparently there were alot of " wobbling" saucers mentioned then. Anybody else heard of them?

U.F.O.R.C. CASE STUDY, Santa Ana UFO Photo Analysis

First, it’s never ever been a SUCH thing as a flying saucer in the history of life, neither self, nor the galaxy.

Second, the flying saucer was created by Adolf Hitler because he was trying to bring back to life the flying triangle that had 3 saucers like engines underneath.

He was building theses cylindrical round engines to lift the massive triangle spaceship that an explorer found in the late 1800s.

The only thing they found that had detached it self from the triangle space ship was a hand held object called the bell.

The ‘bell’ was a hand held object that when touched would boost the bearers brain by 46 to 65 % to higher intelligent.

Adolf Hitler was one of the test subject in the early 1900s, all the test subjects that touched the bell where all drawn together meaning that they were bind together ,at least those that didn’t touch the bell and turn into a vegetable like mind.

That one triangle that was found in Germany has been in your history more than you can ever imagine. That one triangle was the Noah’s ark in your history, after Noah’s ark, it was then the city of Atlantis in your history ,and THEN when it was opened, it than became 94% of every technology that came out of Germany and is still coming out of Germany.

alot of people were assainated after working very hard on the saucer disighn to lift the triangle,and alot of disinformation WAS put into place to hide what was really going on,and by looking at these worked.


If you spin a triangle it becomes a saucer. :saturn:
Hello Bob E........ and if a " spinning triangle" malfunctions? What does it appear to do? My mind says

it all starts in germany..every thing.
I know for sure now ,that the triangle and its contents was found after the war. It seems like your Father was closer to finding a way to lift and object that in length is 156 yards...cant imagine how much it weighed.
All I know is that it took 3 massive engines to lift it.

you can always tell which people in the world had contacts and high level clearance....because liflting and saucers was one full meaning of who was who,and who is who now.

flying saucers flown by aliens.100% CONCLUSIVE....NO

The first 'Great Pyramid of Giza', is the exact same size as the flying 'Triangle' BUT you can imagine what kind of energy that was calculated to lift this object.
The only way a Real flying saucer could work ,IS IF YOU HAD 'LIFTING AND Pushing COMBINED''''

The only way a real flying saucer could work, and that’s if you add wings on it ,plus a tail, which requires no 'lifting' from underneath...because you can do it the old matrix way, and provide energy from the back with energy.

Its funny how they added the b2 bomber in this video...its also funny the shape the b2 bomber is in....and it’s also funny how they show a saucer and such. Explains allot of how the triangle/stealth design entered your realm as far as the solids evolving and such.

Copy written by img 527 3012.

As ive looked at what’s real and what’s not real in my studies, I’ve finally come to the conclusion as to a secret that I never shared on the net before, I guess because I was saving it.

With me being 1 out of many people that can honestly say that he or she has seen a real triangle space ship, the one thing that I didn’t understand is why was there no energy source coming from the back. Why just the bottom and by looking at this video…‘NOW I UNDERSTAND ‘because the energy is
Please understand Gemini that when I offer a response to things that you have said here that I am not actually contradicting you but pointing up another side to all of this..... which just might LOOK like it is in opposition to what you have said..... but actually it is not... I know that will sound confusing to some of those reading this but I think that you and I understand that we are operating on two sides of the same coin here.....

You sait that it all " started in Germany" but I think eventually I will be able to prove that "It" started here in the United States.... and the information was sent to Germany before the war.... only to be retrieved again and brought " home". I believe that I have uncovered that path and someday soon I hope that we can talk about it.

You said "Its funny how they added the b2 bomber in this video...its also funny the shape the b2 bomber is in....and it’s also funny how they show a saucer and such. Explains allot of how the triangle/stealth design entered your realm as far as the solids evolving and such.

There is still much " evolving" going on here and now.....regarding " solids" and the B2 was directly involved in SOME of the development of my Dads electrohydrodynamic systems BUT NOT some other things which have still been kept very secret....We are on the same page here Gemini....

More soon that we can share.... Thanks for your input! Linda
Drats. I wrote a long explanation about how Dr. Paul Biefeld was born in Germany and was my Dads mentor in the 20s while he was in college at Denison in Ohio.... I believe that it was
Dads mentor who might have shared information of Dads work with his associates in Germany long before the Nazis took over.... I guess I have to wait a little bit to say more. But I believe " It" started with my Dad.... the idea was sent to Germany in the twenties... and then " retrieved and brought home" just after the war.

Lets see if this will make it through to the post! Linda
Drats. I wrote a long explanation about how Dr. Paul Biefeld was born in Germany and was my Dads mentor in the 20s while he was in college at Denison in Ohio.... I believe that it was
Dads mentor who might have shared information of Dads work with his associates in Germany long before the Nazis took over.... I guess I have to wait a little bit to say more. But I believe " It" started with my Dad.... the idea was sent to Germany in the twenties... and then " retrieved and brought home" just after the war.

Lets see if this will make it through to the post! Linda
We will always have an healthy debate,i learn from you and you learn from i said,everything starts in germany...everything.