Triangle UFO gathering energy from the clouds at 33,000 feet

I have heard of the triangle UFO's you could probably google this or search engine of your choice. But on Coast to Coast am I heard Art Bell talking about how he and his now deceased first wife Ramona saw one of these vehicles, and then George Noory has people either guests on the show talking about these things.
You all have asked some really interesting questions....

Gemini... I have never heard others report the feeling of having sound''' Pulled away" from an area as you have described. Most of the time people are so fascinated that something so big can be floating.... almost drifting above them without making a sound at all....and I can understand that some would think of a blimp.... but even a blimp has engines to push it along... this " Triangle... whatever it is.... is totally silent.... but your comment about hearing keys ( or something) from blocks away is something that I am not familiar with.... though know in the presence of this " force field" very odd things happen to sound.

You may think that this is unrelated. Others might see the connection. In 1966 I helped my Dad and his group build what they said at the time was a " Theatre Loudspeaker" It was a huge design... taking the entire length of the laboratory wall ( Decker Lab... Bala Cynwyd Pa)....the large unit demonstrated Dads electrohydrodynamic besides pumping air ( later development was the Ionic Breeze) it also could " pump sound".... but there was something very odd about it when it was "Pumping sound".... the music( or whatever) was the same volume chosen..... hundreds of yards away ( in a straight line) or right up at the front of the unit. In fact when you stood directly in front of it.... the music seemed to come from yards BEHIND the unit.....That anomaly has never been explained (to my knowledge.)................ electrohydrodynamics in this case is also closely connected to another principle called Electrogravitics... and the characteristics of one sometimes is shared by the other.... so a craft going overhead Gemini might be using some sort of " sound dampening..... but I have no idea HOW... its just really odd that you would notice what you have mentioned here.

Anyone else heard of this strange " sound loss" in the area of a Triangle?

Even if it does not seem connected it might be important. Thanks. Linda
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You all have asked some really interesting questions....

Gemini... I have never heard others report the feeling of having sound''' Pulled away" from an area as you have described. Most of the time people are so fascinated that something so big can be floating.... almost drifting above them without making a sound at all....and I can understand that some would think of a blimp.... but even a blimp has engines to push it along... this " Triangle... whatever it is.... is totally silent.... but your comment about hearing keys ( or something) from blocks away is something that I am not familiar with.... though know in the presence of this " force field" very odd things happen to sound.

You may think that this is unrelated. Others might see the connection. In 1966 I helped my Dad and his group build what they said at the time was a " Theatre Loudspeaker" It was a huge design... taking the entire length of the laboratory wall ( Decker Lab... Bala Cynwyd Pa)....the large unit demonstrated Dads electrohydrodynamic besides pumping air ( later development was the Ionic Breeze) it also could " pump sound".... but there was something very odd about it when it was "Pumping sound".... the music( or whatever) was the same volume chosen..... hundreds of yards away ( in a straight line) or right up at the front of the unit. In fact when you stood directly in front of it.... the music seemed to come from yards BEHIND the unit.....That anomaly has never been explained (to my knowledge.)................ electrohydrodynamics in this case is also closely connected to another principle called Electrogravitics... and the characteristics of one sometimes is shared by the other.... so a craft going overhead Gemini might be using some sort of " sound dampening..... but I have no idea HOW... its just really odd that you would notice what you have mentioned here.

Anyone else heard of this strange " sound loss" in the area of a Triangle?

Even if it does not seem connected it might be important. Thanks. Linda
I told this story on another site but really didn’t go into the details that I have done here. He said that my senses went into over drive and that my adrenaline went sky high. He said it happened to him all the time when he was in the Iraq war in dessert storm.

It kind of made sense for a minute, but what he didn’t understand was that, before I looked up or before I panicked, the sound just disappeared into thin air, and that’s why I looked up.

I wish I cold find that one video of the man that I think nailed it to perfection.

You see Linda; I don’t care about about the 3 engines, the cloaking, and the sound. I don’t care about that, it’s old.
The middle…the middle of this ship was sooo out of this world, that’s all I care about, it, was so big and beautiful and mysterious. It looked liked one big tourist ship with all these little windows in the middle, hundreds of little windows…hundreds !
Something took the sound out of the air.

Maybe they do have some type of force field, or maybe the power from the 3 energy engines did something to the sound pollution, or maybe...the engines are loud and do make noise, but with a special technology ,they may use something to drain the noise from there engines. Don’t know.

You’ve helped me solve allot of puzzles dealing with numerous things’ don’t mean to ask this question and I hope you don’t get offended by this.
Are you really Linda brown the little girl who sometimes watched her dad, or are you the Linda brown, the little girl who was shared allots of secrets by her dad?

Which Linda am I talking to0?
You are talking to the only Linda Brown that there is.... the only one that ever was.... the little girl who talked endlessly with her father and the older lady now who is typing this note to you. One in the same.

If I have helped you at all I am really pleased about that Gemini.

You are talking to the only Linda Brown that there is.... the only one that ever was.... the little girl who talked endlessly with her father and the older lady now who is typing this note to you. One in the same.

If I have helped you at all I am really pleased about that Gemini.

i cant even imagine what else there is to learn from you.