U.S. citizens, do you fully trust our government?


New member
After learning about the Tuskegee experiments and MKULTRA I can't fully trust our government. More recently, before we invaded Iraq we were lied to about the danger that Saddam and his country directly posed to us. I'm not trying to be political or anything. I know that politicians on all sides are generally dishonest.MKULTRA- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRATuskegee experiments- http://www.tuskegee.edu/Global/Story.asp?s=1207586
Nope. Including the three examples you mentioned, I don't trust our governement to balance the public's checkbook. If we spent like they did, we'd all be in jail!
haha no one does ... i think ...only some stupid game show people who love bush can i say top model 's new winner dumb ass ..lol
no i don't trust them either for oh so many reasons, but one of the primary ones is cointelpro.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO
Hell No! As a matter of fact, our government is corrupted, and it is because of internal corruption, which will lead to the destruction of the United States!Peace!
I love the U.S., but I do not trust the Goverment a bit. They all screw thier shoes on and talk out of sides of thier mouths.Whoever has the most money wins, so what does that say about the state of things??