saddam hussein

  1. R

    Will Israel assassinate Barack Obama?

    Most Israeli leaders have stopped believing that US president Barack Obama will attack Iran as desired by them. The recent statements by Barack Obama and former Israeli defense minister Gen. Ehud Barak have raised the bar on American attack on Iran in the immediate future. Barak told Knesset...
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    US budget cuts wouldn’t affect USAID to Israel

    On Friday, Barack Obama signed the so-called “Sequestration (automatic cuts) bill” after he and Congressional leaders failed to find an alternative budget plan. Originally put in place in 2011, the automatic cuts can only be halted by an agreement between the President and the Congress. The...
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    Western bullies cannot scare Iran

    One of basic rules in foreign policy is when you’re in a fix, drop it. But American and Israeli bullies have proved again and again that they’re exempted from that wisdom. Both still believe that continuous lying about Iran and threatening it with the “war option on table” will scare Tehran to...
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    Kuwait: Shia minority gains in election

    Kuwait’s Shia minority (30%) in Sunni-ruled Kuwait has won 17 seats in country’s 50-member parliament for the first time in the history of the sheikhdom. In the scrapped 2012 parliament Shia minority had seven MPs while in the 2009 parliament it had nine MPs. Kuwait’s ruling dynasty draw its...
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    Iraq shows its independence from the US

    On October 9, 2012, Moscow confirmed to signing more than $4.2 billion (Dh15.42 billion) in arms deals with Baghdad during the second half of the year to make it the nation’s largest weapons supplier after the US. The deal includes 28 training jets, 30 Mi-28 attack helicopters and 42 Pantsir-S1...
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    Obama, Iran and Israel Lobby

    “Peace is obtained neither by Law nor Force but by compassion towards others and self-sacrifice,” Dr. Ahmadinejad, President of Islamic Republic of Iran. On October 3, in his speech at the Norfolk Forum, former US defense secretary Robert Gates warned that a US-Israel attack on Iran would have...
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    Iraq: ‘Next Shia Islamic State!’

    Yesterday, I read an amusing article written by some paranoid ‘Islamic World expert’, Anton Veselov, published in the Strategic Culture Foundation on September 15, 2012. Anton titled his article: “Iraq Headed for Islamic Statehood?“. Here are some of his reasons for worrying about Iraqi people...
  8. 100th Monkey

    Important! American War Criminals Can Now Be Prosecuted! US Rejoins ICC!

    by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor In a surprise move, President Obama signed an executive order rejoining the International Criminal Court, an organization established originally by the United State to enforce international law and punish war criminals. The US left the court under Bush in...
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    Iraqi PM concludes his landmark visit to Iran

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki concluded his two-day visit to Iran on Tuesday. During his visit he met with Iran’s President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran’s Spiritual Leader Ayatullah Ali Khameni. The members of al-Maliki delegation held talks with Iranian officials to enhance the...
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    Galloway’s victory: A slap on Israel Lobby’s face

    Thanks to Pakistani majority in Bradford West – George Galloway, Britain’s most loathed and loved politicians returns to the House of Commons. The founder of Respect Party, took the Bradford West seat with a majority of more than 10,000 votes, beating Labour councillor Imran Hussain in one of...
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    Britain: ‘Calling Jews rich is anti-Jewish’

    British Jewish groups have slammed former London Mayor Ken Livingstone for telling a group of pro-Labour Jewish Londoners that “Jews will not vote for me because they’re rich“. What Ken meant was that being a socialist, most Jews who are better off than the rest of Londoners, would not vote for...
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    CSIS: ‘US is sure to lose Iraq to Iran, unless…’

    The former “Iraq for Sale” under US occupation since Jewish Purim 2003 celebration, has started worrying Israel lobby groups since US occupation forces withdrew on December 31, 2011. Watch a video of movie “Iraq for Sale” below to learn why Americans killed one million Iraqis and destroyed a...
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    Farakhan knows how to anger Israel Lobby

    On March 10, 2012 – the Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan spoke to a packed auditorium of nearly 700 people at University of California Berkeley. The event was organized by the Black Student Union. As expected, local and national pro-Israel Jewish groups tried their best to get...
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    Lebanon snubs US over Syrian rebels

    Last week, Syrian army cleared city of Homs and its neighborhood of western prox Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants. Hundreds of them were killed or captured alive including 120 French soldiers. The rest were able to escape to Lebanon and Turkey. Lebanon has been providing shelter to 2,000 unarmed...
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    Canadian professor debunks USsrael lies about Iran

    Last month, Professor Dr. Michael Keefer (University of Guelph), writer and author of book, entitled, ‘Anti-Semitism: Real and Imagined’ gave a speech at the Bloor Street United Church in Toronto. The topic of his speech was ‘From Media Lies to Hot Wars’. Watch the speech video below. Michael...
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    Lord Owen: ‘Iran is the most powerful country in the region’

    On Thursday, Barack Obama, while greeting US soldiers returning from Iraq – did not claim ‘victory’ as Dubya Bush did in January 2004. However, he did give credit to the 140,000 soldiers who maintained US occupation in Iraq for over eight years - for bringing ‘democracy’ to Iraqi people. The...
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    Al-Maliki slams Joe Biden on Iran

    On December 3, 2011 – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki warned Washington that Baghdad would not let any country use its soil as a launch pad for hostilities against the Islamic Republic. He made that remark during a news conference on Saturday implying to US vice-president, Israel-Firster...
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    Eric Margolis: ‘US lost Iraq to Israel and Iran’

    In October 2002, Canadian war reporter, journalist and author Eric S. Margolis warned Americans that Washington’s invasion of Iraq for a regime change would be “road to folly”. He believed that the war hysteria against Saddam Hussein’s ‘non-existent’ nuclear bombs was created by the pro-Israel...
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    Malaysian Tribunal tries Bush and Blair for war crimes

    Currently, both former US President Dubya Bush and former British Prime Minister and Israel-Firster, Tony Blair are being tried by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia for war crimes and a regime change in Iraq (for Israel). This is the first time a war crime charge has been heard...
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    Iran’s “Russian nuclear weapon scientist”

    The latest IAEA’s ‘smoking gun’ is based on several ‘evidences’ fabricated by the Zionist think tanks and ‘nuclear experts’ since America’s 2007 NIE report confirming that Tehran had stopped its nuclear research for military purpose. The latest report itself confirms that it has no proof to...