[ALERT!] U.S. Military Reveals Coup Plan to Topple President Obama


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Could this possibly be true? I don't think it would make sense for them to reveal anything like this, if indeed there were such plan. What about another False Flag, this one on a larger scale.

It doesn't make sense. What do you think? Would they really dare?
Astounding that this could possibly be planned on a military level. I've become a political agnostic I don't believe in either party anymore. I'm not a fan O but don't approve of this method of removal attempt.

US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama | EUTimes.net

A shocking Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (MTC) report red-lined to President Putin this morning warns that “various elements” within the US Military establishment are “actively planning” for the overthrow of President Barack Obama prior to the November elections.According to this report, Russian Naval Infantry Forces commanders participating in Rim of the Pacific-2012 (RIMPAC) international naval war games off Hawaii (the world’s largest multi-national maritime exercise) this week were told by their US counterparts aboard the USS Port Royal (CG-73) that Obama had to be overthrown as he posed the most dangerous threat to the United States since the founding of their nation.

Most ominously for the American people are new reports being leaked by the US Military about Obama stating that his “mentors”, who include those of his inner circle, have long advocated the overthrowing of the Constitution and have openly discussed the “eliminating” of the estimated 25 million US civilians they believe would oppose them and not be able to be “reconditioned” in their planned reeducation camps.
After Israelization of America's security systems - assassination of Obama would be a "piece of cake" by Israeli Mossad.

In 2010, Newsmax published it but pulled it quickly but not until it was sent to every senior member of Americas military. I got it from a former military intelligence officer. It has done the circuit there. The call I received, from a retired senior intelligence officer and former Defense Attache to Israel went like this, “Gordie, What do you think of this thing? There is only one way to read it, they are calling for the assassination of the president.”

Gordon Duff: Caught In The Act! Is The Murder Of President Obama Being Planned? | Veterans Today

The publisher-editor of Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew B. Alder, in his January 13, 2012 Op-Ed, entitled What would you do? - called for assassination of US President Barack Obama by Israeli Mossad – as one of three options to stop Islamic Republic achieving nuclear capability. Andrew Alder’s three options, were; “Strike Hizbullah and Hamas, strike Iran or “order a hit” on Barack Obama. Either way, problem solved!”

Jewish Editor: ‘Mossad should assassinate Obama’ | Rehmat's World
Thank you for finding that for me. :)

I wonder if EU times is going by that particular article or if they've decided to revisit that idea, I think it's sad if they have.

Never thought the military,even though I know they're sworn to protect this country and the constitution, would consider this type of an idea.

It does explain why when the then newly inaugerated President Obama had all that protection and the MSM gave us a general idea as to the type of protection he would receive, and his mode of transportation called the "Beast."
I don't know what to think about this,everything is no pun intended changing so much around us. Possible what you say of course anything and everything is possible this day and age. Wonder when the sheeple will wake up?