barack obama

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    John Kerry: ‘No military solution in Syria’

    US secretary of state, Israel-Firster John Kerry held talks with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and Russin president Vladmir Putin in Moscow on May 7, 2013. John Kerry agreed with his Russian counterpart that political dialogue between Syrian government and the Western-supported rebels...
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    McDonald commercial – Obama: “God Bless Israel”

    McDomald new “Big America” burger commercial says something which most American leaders are afraid to say in public – especially after what the Jewish Lobby did to the US secretary of defense Chuck Hagel recently or Charles W. Freeman in the past. Freeman withdrew from his appointment by Barack...
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    America’s “political racism”!

    On Friday, Dick Harpootlian, South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman, took another cheap racist shot at the state Governor Nikki Haley. “In about 18 months from now, hopefully he’ll have sent Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from,” said Harpootlian while introducing the state’s...
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    Israel attacks Syria to suck US in war

    Both the US and Israeli media have confirmed that Israeli airforce conducted its second unprovoked air raid on Damascus during last 24 hours. CNN, CBS, NBC, NYT, CBC and Israeli Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronot – all reported the news with different angles. According to Syrian and Lebanese sources...
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    Somalia: Victim of Western genocide

    The Muslim-majority Somalia has suffered from worst famine during 2010-2012 since the last 25 years. Despite early warning, the US and its allies continued their policy of sanctions and “war dog barking” against Somalia to punish its people for supporting anti-US and anti-Israel al-Shabaab...
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    Syrian chemical weapons: Israeli false flag operation

    On Thursday, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell during an interview with Current TV’s Cenk Uygur, claimed that the rumor that Syrian forces had used chemical weapons against western-sponsored rebels, could be a “Israeli false flag operation”...
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    Jewish Lobby: ‘Thou shalt not honor Israel’s critics’

    Obama administration, under pressure from pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups, has revoked the Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders, it planned to give to Egyptian human rights activist Mona Seif. She was nominated for fighting against “virginity test” on femate protesters by Egyptian...
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    Chavez haunts Zionist leaders from his grave

    Obama administration refuses to accept the 1.6% margin victory by Chavez’s handpicked successor, Nicolas Maduro, over USrael-backed crypto-Jewish candidate Henrique Capriles in April 14 presidential election. Washington, as usual, has called Maduro victory as “stolen election” even though former...
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    Dagan: ‘Syria’s Assad removal is good for Israel’

    Speaking at the Jerusalem Post conference in New york on Sunday, Gen. Meir Dagan, former head of Israeli Mossad, said that removal of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad from power “will be highly beneficial for Israel from a strategic point of view; weaking Hizbullah, Iran and Hamas in the...
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    Lobby: ‘First North Korea – Then Iran’

    There are nine countries (US, UK, France, China, Russia, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea) which are recognized as nuclear powers. Pakistan and North Korea are the only two nuclear powers which refuse to accept Israel as a legitimate state. As result, both of them have been the target of...
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    Israel: An outlaw state

    Rachelle Marshall, a free-lance Jewish editor living in Mill Valley, CA, wrote an interesting review about the Israel’s elections in January 2013 – titled Israeli elections come and go, but Israel remains an outlaw state. During his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Barack Obama, twisted...
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    Jews glorify Thatcher for her support for Israel

    “Thatcher said once that she thought she probably had more constituents in Tel Aviv than in Finchley”. The British and western leaders and media has turned former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher (1979 to 1990) into a world heroe for her blind support for the Zionist entity and British...
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    Will Israel assassinate Barack Obama?

    Most Israeli leaders have stopped believing that US president Barack Obama will attack Iran as desired by them. The recent statements by Barack Obama and former Israeli defense minister Gen. Ehud Barak have raised the bar on American attack on Iran in the immediate future. Barak told Knesset...
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    The ‘Iron Dome’ and Israeli lies behind it

    During the 8-day Israeli aerial attack over Gaza Strip last November, the Zionist regime had claimed that its anti-missile Iron Dome was able to intercept 90% of the so-called “deadly rockets” fired by Iran-supported Palestinian resistance groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The Israeli claim was...
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    Israel’s big brother hesitant to attack Iran

    Barack Obama told Israel’s TV Channel 2 ahead of his visit to Israel next week that Washington was committed to cover Israel’s back from Iranian attack no matter what. He also said that Washington considers an Iranian nuclear weapon as the “red line” that threatens Israel and its big brother...
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    Jews against Dennis Rodman

    I must admit, I’m at loss to understand what the Zionist-controlled Obama administration and Israeli Hasbara goons are trying to hide by running a vicious campaign against the NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman. It could not be just because Rodman (a Jewish name, I presume) visited North Korea...
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    NYT: Israel has no right to exist

    I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw an opinion post at the New York Times on March 9, 2013, that I can actually agree with. The NYT editors and writers are welknown for their blind support for the Zionist entity and crucification of its critics. It’s surprising that NYT will publish an opinion...
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    NYT: Israel will never allow US to cut a deal with Iran

    On December 13, 2009, I had posted that Israel is the reason behind the US-Iran nuclear conflict. On March 8, 2013, the Zioconservative propaganda outlet, The New York Times, in its editorial, titled ‘Congress Gets in the Way, has admitted that pro-Israel Congress majority is running Israel’s...
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    Obama disappoints pro-Israel Jewish leaders

    Two days ago, Barack Obama, had a meeting with 25 Jewish leaders representing several pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups (AIPAC, ADL, Orthodox Union, J-Street, B’nai B’rith International, World Jewish Congress, Simon Wiesenthal Center, etc.) at the White House. They advised him how to behave during...
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    US to honor ‘antisemite’ Muslimah; Oooch!

    A few months ago, the US State Department had announced the names of ten women from foreign countries who have served, intentionally or unintentially, American imperialism in their respective countries. This year’s lucky women come from Afghanistan, China, Egypt, Russia, India, Honduras...