New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
What can you say when a report of such an abduction and artificial insemination is presented with this kind of a recorded back-up evidence as this video …

A reader or viewer will either believe, not believe or consider the possibilities, with a few having an “I sure hope this doesn’t happen to me", attitude.

Some will try to discredit the story because it is just sooooo far out of their range of reality or spiritual compression ... they are still blind sided to the celestial truth around them ..

Some will try to discredit the story because they believe and know this such unorthodox celestial activity have been taking place for a long time …

I consider that the race of this 'negative ion' species is dying out … and they need human hosts to survive … yet the body is not the problem … they need a compatible organic brain pattern for their species' neuron circuitry of consciousness ….

If they had been able to successfully alter the DNA and physical brain network .. their DNA consciousness could trigger the electrical charged neuron pattern of the brain and program the brain to program the development of the body …

Yet this type of abduction and artificial insemination is blaspheme … and will not be allowed to happen … the neuron pattern of the human’s physical brain was design to be compatible with a specific coded DNA of it's specific electrical charged neuron pattern … and was designed by the Master Creator …

Only the Creator of consciousness can design such a compatible ‘neuron circuitry of life giving electrical charged energy’ for these abducting species needed humanoid organic body …

One such 'electrical charged compatible neuron circuitry' given to this region of space .... has been referred to as the Christ consciousness, the ISIS trace consciousness, and or the Holy Ghost …

And yes .... even in the receiving of this 'Positive light neuron circuitry Gift', can such an alien species become part of the Alliance of Positive Light Energy … and attain the ability of leaving this the 7th Plane during Earth changing and process of a new beginning … there is still time

Vidoe found here