William Donovan
New member
The last month i have been on the internet frequently reading on certain special past, future and current conspiracies/events. I've become quite interested in a few things although i need concrete proof to believe in something. a few things are the NWO, ancient astronauts, complete UFO disclosure and WW3 and the Galactic Federation.I am still not sure whether i am a religious person or not as i have my own beliefs and science has facts, so my view is neutral on all of these things.I'm just wondering if you believe that their really is a secret society (perhaps being ruled by one person) controlling world governments etc. to bend people to its will and achieve world domination.(I think it's possible but i can't see one group gaining so much power with so much difference in the world)If you believe the people of ancient times were visited by aliens who helped develop their civilization.(i think this is true from ancient pictures and paintings showing beings who look like aliens or of a higher power, even spacecraft portrayed to modern detail)If you think WW3 will occur (some people consider it already started, in sort of a prelude. i mean all out fighting, possibly nuclear war) and what effect will it have on the earth, will humans survive.(I think there will be a WW3 but i don't think it will be a total nuclear annihilation, i actually suspect technology is already available in secret to stop/disable or destroy nuclear weapons before they can be detonated)Lastly, I've only just began reading about the Galactic Federation who is supposedly formed up of many alien civilizations that prevent corruption and evil and who will save earth from the NWO. (I think it's a load of BS, just my opinion)once again just my opinion, i probably have no idea what I'm talking about. You don't have to give a detailed answer, short answers are fine.Extra:I think the 2012 "phenomenon" is a load of bull inflated from the basic fact of the Mayan calender ending on 2012, i do not believe anything will happen, apart from false expectations, some media coverage and a few suicides... it wouldn't surprise me, anyway just get the idea that I'm not a nutcase.How about an answer that ANSWERS my QUESTION?is that too hard for you?