What is My Profession in Heaven?


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What is My Profession in Heaven?

In Suzanne Ward’s The Matthew Books, Matthew telepathically told her mother Suzanne, in heaven (Nirvana), he is a Soul Healer (medical professional), consultant, and advisor – travelling and visiting different planets, galaxies, universes, dimensions, ETs, masters and soul collectives…

I wonder does anyone know what is my profession in Heaven?
Without trying to "see", your "profession in Heaven" greatly reflects your inner being here. If you tap into that inner being, you will see for yourself what this "profession" on "the other side" is. To worry about such takes you away from what you are. You must look INSIDE to see for yourself what is truly YOU in any plane of existence.

If anyone else wishes to chime in here and/or delve into getting that information for you, I hope they take the time to do so. Until then, my suggestion is to look within yourself, you have ALL the answers for questions such as this. :)
Okay, I'll chime in.

Anything that can happen in this universe does somewhere in the multiverse. Everyone has the potential of being perfect, but only within a perfect world based on the definition of what The Creator defines as perfect. That is your profession right now is to find perfection. Finding the you who coexists somewhere in the multiverse. Think it and it will come to be as your consciousness skips across the multiverse toward the perfect you. Your passed you can change. You find new yous by picturing where you want to go by picturing in your mind and concentrating on how you want your life to be. When you skip to a new you, you will have no memory of the old you. That life's course, its path that your other life took will not be transferred to the memory of the new life, and therefor you will not have any realization that your consciousness has transferred into another you. It takes faith to believe you can move into yous that have more perfection, or more imperfect depending on what thoughts you dwell on. Much faith is required after all.

It says your worse fear will come upon you in the Bible. That's what it means. The Bible espouses the ability to move across the multiverse. Your mind can move mountains if you put your mind to it. This all requires faith of course.

We could have had a life starting out where people could not move mountains, now mountaintop mining is common place at least in WV and surrounding states. Somewhere some place in the multiverse someone took that passage literally. Funny how major mine owners seem so religious. There must be other thems in the multiverse who said, "I want to move that mountain, so I can get to that coal," and now in this world, this individual world, mountains can be moved.

Your profession of your perfect you does exist in the multiverse somewhere, now that. What you do there is live forever serving the will of The Creator. Because you never die there you never live again repeating this life or other lives that are apart of worlds where death is an inevitable event even for these type of universes that repeat themselves over and over again in the same exact order for infinity. Heaven is a universe where there is no beginning nor end. It is a realm in fact where time does not exist, but it is a dynamic system where you can navigate across it like a Google map where all time consisting of all possible things and events that can be perfected do exist in stagnate form. However by moving through these events like a film real you can experience them whenever and as often, in multiverse time, movement across this scape, you wish.

We can escape this world at will to better worlds toward the best world, The Creator's world. That's our professions here.

Few will know about this ability, and so few will be chosen. Being chosen is being hired by The Creator. Your profession there is sharing his will by pure choice, choosing pure love.

Being loved and giving your love back to The Creator will be your only occupation in Heaven.
Thank you, it's beautiful!

Okay, I'll chime in.

Anything that can happen in this universe does somewhere in the multiverse. Everyone has the potential of being perfect, but only within a perfect world based on the definition of what The Creator defines as perfect. That is your profession right now is to find perfection. Finding the you who coexists somewhere in the multiverse. Think it and it will come to be as your consciousness skips across the multiverse toward the perfect you. Your passed you can change. You find new yous by picturing where you want to go by picturing in your mind and concentrating on how you want your life to be. When you skip to a new you, you will have no memory of the old you. That life's course, its path that your other life took will not be transferred to the memory of the new life, and therefor you will not have any realization that your consciousness has transferred into another you. It takes faith to believe you can move into yous that have more perfection, or more imperfect depending on what thoughts you dwell on. Much faith is required after all.

It says your worse fear will come upon you in the Bible. That's what it means. The Bible espouses the ability to move across the multiverse. Your mind can move mountains if you put your mind to it. This all requires faith of course.

We could have had a life starting out where people could not move mountains, now mountaintop mining is common place at least in WV and surrounding states. Somewhere some place in the multiverse someone took that passage literally. Funny how major mine owners seem so religious. There must be other thems in the multiverse who said, "I want to move that mountain, so I can get to that coal," and now in this world, this individual world, mountains can be moved.

Your profession of your perfect you does exist in the multiverse somewhere, now that. What you do there is live forever serving the will of The Creator. Because you never die there you never live again repeating this life or other lives that are apart of worlds where death is an inevitable event even for these type of universes that repeat themselves over and over again in the same exact order for infinity. Heaven is a universe where there is no beginning nor end. It is a realm in fact where time does not exist, but it is a dynamic system where you can navigate across it like a Google map where all time consisting of all possible things and events that can be perfected do exist in stagnate form. However by moving through these events like a film real you can experience them whenever and as often, in multiverse time, movement across this scape, you wish.

We can escape this world at will to better worlds toward the best world, The Creator's world. That's our professions here.

Few will know about this ability, and so few will be chosen. Being chosen is being hired by The Creator. Your profession there is sharing his will by pure choice, choosing pure love.

Being loved and giving your love back to The Creator will be your only occupation in Heaven.
I appreciate your thinking so, unhypnotize. :)

There is a little bit in all that I've learned from various folks in passing by them on the open sea of knowledge.