what is your favorite movie?

Mine is "It's a Wonderful Life". There are so many aspects brought out in the film that are so reminiscent of my childhood, from the black arm bands to the style of the ornaments on the main street.
I would have to say one of my favorites would have to be The Others with Nicole Kidman. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't yet seen it, so I will just say this, it speaks to the reality more of what really goes on with "ghosts" than any other movie I've ever seen. I haven't watched it in quite a while now, and maybe my views will change some as I watch it again, but as of when I saw it last, that is my view on it.

I'm not really into movies anymore however. My views on movies in general have changed considerably over the last 10 years, but more so in the last 3. :)
I just snapped out of my blonde moment. :)

My all-time favorite has been ever since I was a kid and even to this day, The Breakfast Club. :)
I like "It's a Wonderful Life" and "The Others," too. I may break down and watch the former this holiday season. I miss the days when Halloween and Christmas decorations weren't competing for shelf space in September. "The Others" kind of creeped me out the first time I watched it. I wasn't expecting the ending, although, in retrospect, I should have been. I never could get interested in "The Breakfast Club." Maybe it's a generational thing. My step-daughter always liked it.

I think I've only seen "It's a Wonderful Life" once in its entirety. I like the story, and it shows us how things intertwine to form what they are. Another one for that that I like is "The Butterfly Effect". Great story. I often find myself thinking about the butterfly effect itself in most instances in life especially when things get rough. Everything happens for a reason and has its purpose. :)

I like "The Breakfast Club" because it shows in a wonderful light that no matter how different we think each other is, we are all really the same and it is merely our perception of things that is different. I LOVE that movie.

But really, that's how I look at every movie, and the meaningless ones I don't even bother with. I realize that some people need them for entertainment, but if I can't get anything meaningful from them, I don't bother. There's lots of movies that I used to like but don't anymore. I guess I have grown beyond them. But, there are those few that hang on through the years that still have some meaning for me. :) I don't know, maybe it IS a generational thing with Breakfast Club, but I've loved it since I was a kid and I still love it today. :)
I have many films I have "loved" but my favorite one, hands down is "Imitation of Life". The story line is wonderful and it has many lessons to learn.
I like "The Breakfast Club" because it shows in a wonderful light that no matter how different we think each other is, we are all really the same and it is merely our perception of things that is different. I LOVE that movie.
Ah! The greatest gift called life... :) Gotta love Jimmy Stewart. It's a Wonderful Life is my all time favorite movie. I watched it when I was battling depression and it helped me turn things around. What a fab movie! :)