What would ET Mentorship be like?

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
During his recent presentation at the Awake and Aware conference, Alex Collier asked the audience to consider how mentorship from ET's could work on this planet.

If you had a hand in designing a Mentorship program, what would it look like, how would it work, what topics would be covered, how would people learn about it and participate?

Let's start a discussion here and encourage our friends and colleagues to participate either online of offline.

Here are some initial thoughts on topics:
- Help us get past the immediate term!
- What are the critical path items for the species?
- Can we get a copy of our operating manual?
- What is built into our spacesuit and how do we access the capabilities?
- How do we access to our true historical records and past life wisdom?
- Basic introduction to mechanics of the Universe
- Basic introduction to beings of the Universe
- How do we contact a mentor and sign up today?

I curious what other people think. Please share!
