[Video] What's going on in Anaheim an UPDATE


New member
My thanks again to Denise she gave me the idea. Anyway she was right seems to be on Youtube certainly not the MSM. Here is the link. Anaheim must really be a rough place to live. There are more vids on Youtube.

Glad I could help!

Russia Today seems to report on news that other agencies are not. I guess they don't want the world to know the police are being protested against. I guess they don't want the protests the start to spread.
Yes, I noticed you can find more about what's going on in this country with other news outlets, Russia Today, The Guardian, U.k.Canadian Papers etc, then you can from our own people. Go figure.
Me neither, until I saw the original comment on from the person inquiring about it, on Before it's News website. I think they're (MSM) are determined to make it stay that way too. That's why the TPTB would like to control the internet.
It makes me wonder what exactly the TPTB are afraid of? If they didn't lie in the first place this world will be a much better place.
Agree, I've heard it said if you don't lie, you have nothing you have to remember, and worry about who you told the lie to.