WOW: Time traveler with proof!

This man traveled through time.. and he has VIDEO proof!

The above video is removed so i am updating this thread.

See all the time traveler threads getting attention I remember this video and though I would bump it.

This video, is about a man who traveled through time and has video "proof"

I would love to hear your thoughts on this?
That is really cool, but I have to point out some things i found odd.
  1. Why do they have the sun directly over the 70 year old's head? Why would you not turn away from the sun, to get the best camera footage? You always put the light behind you when you film.
  2. The tattoos looks just as new on the old guy as it does on the young guy, it also easy to fake.

Also I would like to know if the 70 year old remembers the day he visited himself?

As well as how did he get back? Crawl back thought the cupboard under the sink? If so doesn't that mean he could keep going back?

I am going to check out the link you posted, thanks Monkey!
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Some good points frog, but to the tatoo thing, if you properly take care of your tatoos when they are new, they will still look fresh as the years go on. I'm not 70, yet, but, I've had my tattoos for over 20 years and they still look as fresh as when they were new. That's because I read up on how to care for them before i got them. So..... IF he took care of his tattoo, then you can't prove it by the look of the tattoo alone.

Sun shining behind the old man.......... yes, makes it look like they were trying to hide something, for sure. I can agree with you there. It does seem quite odd.

However, looking at the video closely, these 2 men have exactly the same features. Shape of the nose, shape of the head, smile, eye shape, etc. Yes, this could be a hoax played with the guy's grandfather, but the men ARE identical from what I can see. They even move the same.

Yes, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered in order to get a better picture of what happened (whether it's hoax or real) such as how he got back, like you mentioned above. Why did he only film the man and nothing else? And if he did film anything else, why didn't he show those videos too? If it was me, I'd've taken as many videos and pictures as I could and I would've posted them all. He said he was living in the same house at 70 years old, why didn't he show the house from the future? Wouldn't that have been great proof?

Because these things are lacking, at this point, as great as the story is, I have to call it like i see it at the moment. Without further proof, I can't believe it. I can take it as an inspiration and hope that it happened, but based on sheer evidence, there is NO proof.

If this DID happen though, can you imagine what this guy was feeling and thinking? Holy crap! Must've been overwhelming!
wowwy! do you think he really went into time? That's awesome! He even met himself. Well, I guess he should be happy knowing that he'll be ok and seemingly healthy from what the video shows. Cool!
If it is really, this man relative point of view on the world will be forever changed. How can you ever look at the world the same way again? At lest he knows he not going to die soon!! lol
good point. hoaxed or not, his views SHOULD change forever. I know it would change me. I would NEVER look at life the same.
This one is hard to believe, I would love to hear more detail on the stories as well. Its a little vague. But its a great story!
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I personal believe him, I don't feel he is lying in anyway. I can't help but wander if their is more video footage he took but they are just not showing it?

I would have videoed everything I could have, including my house, wife, trees to compare growth ad changes, etc....

There has go to be more out there on this guy?
Although it's ENTIRELY possible that this guy actually went into the future through his sink, there's just not enough 'evidence' if all he's got is this picture of him with his future self. I want to believe he went, but, ya, did he get video too? Or is it just picture(s)?

Time travel IS possible. There are vortices that allow this to happen. I would like to know more.
i just want to point out that the shirt the younger guy is wearing look like the exact shirt the older guy is wearing in the video. Mens clothing seem have not advanced at all....

Just another observation to add...
Ok, but how much have men's shirts REALLY changed in the last 40 years? Not much, if at all. A dress shirt is a dress shirt was a dress shirt. While it is a good observation, i can't see it as leading the credibility one way or the other. Just my opinion.
SUNGAZER I think Monkey means the shirt the guy is were while he is being interviewed is the same as the old mans in the cell phone video. Which I admit is a little odd! But I still think it real!
Ok, I see the point about it being the 'same' shirt. But another thing I just noticed watching it again, their shoulders don't line up to the same height. Check it out! Although they have the same build shape, the old man seems to have a much wider build, but i suppose that COULD come from working out. But the old man is definitely taller in that video than the younger guy, or at least that's what I see.

I'm really thinking that maybe he DIDN'T go to the future after all. I want it to be true, but at this point, there's too much to throw out there for the skeptical side.

Watch the video again and see what I'm talking about.