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Well, well, it seems the sun has just emitted the X flare according to Space Weather. Here are some pertinent quotes from the article. Now, I'm somewhat of a fan of connect the dots.

1. Executive order on July 6, involving communications

2. The X-Flare may get a glancing on July 8th or 9th.

3. The virus the FBI will take of for us on July 9th.

What are your opinions? Coincidence?

-FLARE: For days, giant sunspot AR1515 has looked capable of producing a really strong explosion. On July 6th it finally did. Yesterday, the sunspot's magnetic canopy erupted, producing a brief but potent X1.1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

The explosion hurled a CME into space. According to this movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, the cloud appears to be heading south and away from Earth. However, we cannot yet rule out a glancing blow to our planet on July 8th or 9th. Stay tuned for further analysis.
Is definitely some strange stuff going on with the solar flares, I'm wondering if this can be some sort of cover up and that's why they want the Internet to go down?
I know it does seem to be suspicious timing. HAARP maybe I mean with the extreme heat and weather in the midwest. Anyway to be sure "my spidey senses are tingling."as they say.
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These guys have so many things going on that they need something that looks legit to use as a cover-up.

connect the dots is all we can do. But it takes time. Gather any information you can on any given subject and then look deeper into it, and then take a step back (at least that's what I do) and the picture starts to make sense.
I do that too, and come up with a few ideas of my own, however off the mark they may turn out to be, at least we are both thinking and searching, right? :)
I do that too, and come up with a few ideas of my own, however off the mark they may turn out to be, at least we are both thinking and searching, right? :)

And that's just what we need to be doing. It doesn't really matter what we come up with, it generates other ideas and eventually, somewhere down the line of all that thinking and speculating, some of it has to be right. It's important to keep on wondering and trying to figure this stuff out. If we don't, we're just as bad as those who are totally asleep and blinded by their world and their leaders.
Amen to that. One of these days someone will discover the truth hopefully. I know they're very creative in hiding things for instance, have you ever heard of Iron Mountain, in VA. They have a whole deep cavernous area carved out of the mountain and it contains anything you can think of. Records of us, IRS tax, and banking/credit records to movies, and past and current music. History Channel International actually went in these caverns with camera and crew. So, they're prepared definately for anything from natural disaster to man-made.

When my friend was in the hospitlal I actually saw white box trucks with Iron Mountain on the passenger and driver side pulled up to the hospital, taking medical records no doubt to be stored there. No getting away from things, I suppose.
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I think I may have heard the name "Iron Mountain" before, it sounds vaguely familiar. I can't say I knew anything about it. That's just creepy to me. Why would they need to store all that stuff? I think there's some sort of weird-ass experiments going on in there. Maybe that's just the conspiracy side of me talking, but come on, what else could it be? They can't really just be using it for storage of what they feel is important information such as medical records, and banking records, etc. Why on earth would that stuff be important, even in the future after we're all gone and it's discovered as part of the distant past. I can't see any purpose for it.

It looks sinister to me.

So, now my mind goes to, they have this "bunker" all prepared with everything they need to start over again when X-flare hits and wipes everything out? WTF?
Either that maybe they're expecting an "event" ElectroMagneticPulse EMP for short comes to mind that sucks all the electricity out of our grid if a device of some kind go bang over a city. They'd never want us forgetting about what we owe, either credit or IRS that's for sure. If money's no good anymore after an EMP attack, well, I'm sure the powers that be would think of a way for us to pay them back.
Might be some type of experiments (as to what, who can say) maybe they extend out so much it could be some of the reason about groaning noises people are hearing in the earth.
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Makes me wonder if this whole solar flare thing is a set up and they're just planning on turning the electric grid off coinciding with a flair for some other purpose? Is the main reason for all the news articles to get us believing that solar flare can can shut the grid off so that nobody will question it when they use an excuse such as a solar flare? Is it just a scapegoat for when the going gets tough, they turn off the electricity and then blame it on solar flare?
Anything's possible latest on the solar stuff Sun supposedly just shot off x-Flare1520 is headed for a "direct hit on earth". Gee, I wonder if it's going to "affect" us in this hemisphere.
Of course the EMP thing is a way for them to go and blame solar flares. That's been one of those things that has been on my mind for the last 10 years or more.

Apparently now the talk is that it hasn't reached us yet and it's on it's way. They're so full of shit it makes me angry that the people believe all this hooey. Personally, I don't really care if they knock out the power. We'd be better off. Sure there'd be mass panic, but things would hopefully settle.

You know, as I'm writing this the things that go through my head now are if they DO wipe out the power and blame it on a solar flare, then they're counting on the people to want to be moved to these FEMA camps where everything is available for them. Group the people together, get in the plan that they want in the first place. If that happens, I say, DON'T GO! Get out your guns if you've got 'em and fight back. Don't let them round you up like they did the Jews in Nazi Germany! Again, rambling on a rant, but all you have to do is think about it and it starts to make perfect sense based on all the other information out there.
No definately not going to let them round me up. I don't care so much about the power but I have a friend who iis like a mother to me and she is oxygen dependent, needs her electricity. If it were just me and people like me I wouldn't care either.