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Washington has come-up with a plan, the Saudi ‘royals’ cannot refuse. The plan involved the merger of six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) with Saudi Arabia, which will gurantee the rules of the current western puppet regimes with help of the US, EU and Israel.

Members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, are expected to meet and discuss closer union among the six countries on May 14.

Reports say Saudi Arabia will merge initially with Bahrain in order for the six-member Arab council to reach unity. They have all claimed that the move is to counter the new emerging regional threat (from Iran).

Former US Senate candidate Mark Dankof claimed last year that the US wants to maintain Khalifa family’s brutal rule in Shia-majority Bahrain for the benefit of the Zionist entity.

Recently, Iran’s Press TV has interviewed American professor Kevin Barrett, who denies official 9/11 story.

“Saudis are trying to keep the lid on protests in the region and they are trying to strengthen their position in Bahrain which they already invaded last year. To call this a move on the European Union model is disingenuous. I think this is more along the lines of Hitler’s Anschluss, when Nazi Germany invaded Austria. The big difference is that the majority of people in Austria supported that. Whereas today, the vast majority of people in Bahrain will be horrified to be occupied by and digested into Wahhabi Saudi Arabia,” said Dr. Barrett.

Pepe Escobar wrote in Asia Times (May 12, 2012) under the title: Long live our Gulf bastards:

Just as the Sunni al-Khalifa dynasty in power in Bahrain is vowing, publicly, to keep arresting, tear-gassing, raiding their homes, confiscating their jobs and forcing pro-democracy protesters to live in non-stop fear, Bahraini Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa is being hosted in Washington by the Barack Obama administration.

Prince Salman – who Bahraini propaganda sells as a “moderate” – showed up at the US State Department side-by-side with Secretary of State Hillary “We came, we saw, he died” Clinton. Those who “die” are evil dictators of the Muammar Gaddafi variety; “our” bastards get to party in DC after being extended a red carpet welcome.

Is there any Arab Spring-related repression and killing going in Bahrain? According to Clinton, of course not; these are only “internal issues” – in her own words.

Saudi Arabia to merger with Bahrain | Rehmat calling