
  1. R

    John Kerry “ignores” Israel during his foreign tour

    Two week ago, John Kerry began his nine foreign nations (Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE – all pro-USrael and anti-Syria) tour as Obama’s new foreign secretary. Kerry’s choice of those nations in Europe and the Middle East shows Obama administration’s...
  2. R

    Sen. Paul: ‘Time to end US aid to Israel’

    Republican Sen. Rand Paul is in Israel to gain Jewish support for his GOP presidential nomination bid in 2016. It seems he has not learned a lesson from his father Rep. Ron Paul’s failed bid for GOP presidential nomination last year because the Jewish Lobby considered him a vicious antisemite...
  3. R

    Syrian diplomat: ‘My soul is not for sale’

    How some of Arab Sunni rulers stoop to please their western masters? Qatar’s pro-USrael ruling Thani family is one of the cases in point. Qatar has funded Salafi-Wahabi armed gangsters in Libya against Libyan leader Qaddafi last year. The Thani family has loaned its Al-Jazeera network to...
  4. R

    Saudi Arabia to merger with Bahrain

    Washington has come-up with a plan, the Saudi ‘royals’ cannot refuse. The plan involved the merger of six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) with Saudi Arabia, which will gurantee the rules of the current western puppet regimes with help of the US, EU and Israel. Members of the...
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    Hillary Clinton’s failed mission to India

    US secretary of state, Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton, 64, has just completed her visits to China, India and Bangladesh. The main agenda of her visit to China and India was to convince the BRICS leaders (China, India, Russia, Brazil and South Africa) to join the US-Israel campaign to isolate...
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    Ahmadinejad raises defense budget: Israel frets

    Last week, Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad presented to the Majlis (parliament) his administration’s draft of the national budget for the country’s new fiscal year begining March 20, 2012. The proposed budget of $416 billion is 14% less than the last calendar year budget of $484 billion. The...
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    Israeli occupation of two Saudi islands

    The Palestinias, Lebanese, Syrians and Egyptians have refused to forget the occupation of their ancestral lands by the Zionist regime. However, the Saudi ‘royals’ or the Western Zionist-occupied mainstream media have hardly ever mentioned the Jewish army’s occupation of Saudi Arabia’s Tiran and...
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    Iran: ‘Hillary cries WOLF again!’

    Every time I hear Hillary Clinton’s rant – I wonder where the woman keep her brain. In her latest outburst reported in The Washington Post (April 15, 2011), she accused the Islamic Republic of Iran trying to hijack democratic revolutions around the Middle East. However, at the same time she...
  9. R

    Failed ‘Qaddafi Project’ and the ‘blowback’

    The President of Libya Jumhurriya, Muammar al-Qaddafi, recently sent a message to Barack Obama, calling him ‘son’(!!): “As you know too well democracy and building of civil society cannot be achieved by means of missiles and aircraft, or by backing armed member of Al-Qaeda in Benghazi”. The...
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    Election 2012: ‘Jewish gay for President’

    Last month, Fred Karger 61, the openly Republican Jewish gay politician – announced his candidacy for the 2012 Presidential election. He is the first person to file his papers with the Federal Election Commission. Watch video below. Fred’s announcement, though, irked the Christian fundo and...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Hypocrite Biden Threatened Bush Impeachment Over Unconstitutional War

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Wednesday, March 23, 2011 How things change. In 2007, then presidential hopeful Biden stated unequivocally that he would work to impeach Bush if he bombed Iran without first gaining congressional approval. Now Biden is dutifully ringing up the royalty in United Arab...
  12. CASPER

    Bahrain says it has foiled "foreign plot"

    Bahrain's king said a foreign plot against his Sunni-led island state had been foiled, and the head of the Gulf Cooperation Council said interference by Shi'ite Iran in the Gulf Arab states would not be tolerated. Confrontation between Sunnis and Shi'ites has stirred international tension in...
  13. CASPER

    Gulf military force enters Bahrain

    A military force from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations moved into Bahrain Monday to shore up the nation's Sunni rulers in the face of escalating Shiite-led protests seeking to break the monarchy's hold on power. Bahrain's main opposition groups immediately denounced the outside intervention...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles

    'This spring, the United Arab Emirates is expected to close a deal for $7 billion dollars’ worth of American arms. Nearly half of the cash will be spent on Patriot missiles, which cost as much as $5.9 million apiece. But what makes those eye-popping sums even more shocking is that some of the...
  15. CASPER

    Kuwait awaits protests but no stranger to upheaval

    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The next scheduled stop on the Arab protest tour: Kuwait. This, however, is more of a return engagement. Calls for anti-government rallies Tuesday are an extension of nasty political skirmishes in Kuwait that were under way long before the first glint of dissent...
  16. CASPER

    Oil-rich Abu Dhabi champions ecological cause

    14 mins ago ABU DHABI (AFP) – It floats on a sea of oil in a country that has the largest ecological footprint, yet Abu Dhabi aims to convince the world of its environmental credentials through its futuristic Masdar initiative. On the ground, there are few signs of the will to combat climate...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Weather control is no myth: Scientists engineer thunderstorms over Abu Dhabi

    Mike Adams Natural News Jan 14, 2011 Discussions of weather control technology used to be limited to the hushed gossip of conspiracy theorists, but it turns out the conspiracy theorists were right (again). Today in Abu Dhabi, scientists have successfully manipulated entire weather systems...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Scientists Create 52 Artificial Rain Storms in Abu Dhabi Desert

    A little bit of disclosure!!! Hail, lightning and gales came through the state's eastern region this summer thanks to scientist-puppetmasters. As part of a secret program to control the weather in the Middle East, scientists working for the United Arab Emirates government artificially created...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Have scientists discovered how to create downpours in the desert?

    * Technology created 50 rainstorms in Abu Dhabi's Al Ain region last year For centuries people living in the Middle East have dreamed of turning the sandy desert into land fit for growing crops with fresh water on tap. Now that holy grail is a step closer after scientists employed by the ruler...
  20. Truth Vibrations

    The Most Expensive Tree in the World Worth $11 million, standing 13 meters high and draped with jewellery, silver and gold colored balls and white lights, the tree at Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi is the world’s most expensive Christmas tree ever – or so the...