The French “antisemites” against same-sex marriage


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On March 2, 2013, The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel lobby group, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), formed a coalition of religious and Zionist organizations in support of same-sex marriage.

In May 2008, after the California Supreme Court’s decision to legalize the same-sex marriage, the ADL rejoiced: “We are pleased by the Court’s decision supporting the rights of same-sex couple to marry, and welcome this reaffirmation of equal protection for all“.

On May 26, 2013, at least 150,000 protesters converged on Paris, marshalled by more than 4,500 police who were deployed after the government warned of a risk of violence and disruption. The protesters were saying NO to French Jewish President François Hollande’s signing a law authorising same-sex couples to marry and adopt children, last week. By the presidential degree, France became the ninth European country and 14th globally to legalize same-sex marriage. The other 13 countries to legalize same-sex marriage include Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal, Uruguay and New Zealand. In the US, Washington DC and 12 states have legalised same-sex marriage. Legislation is also moving through the UK Parliament.

Israel recognizes same-sex couples as long as the’re married in a foreign country. However, thanks to Israel Hasbara, Israel claims to be “gay friendly”. Some readers may not know that in Israel, a Jew and a Gentile cannot marry legally. Nor, for that can Protestants (aside from Anglicans): they’re not legally recognized religiuos sect

Last week, welknown French historian Dominique Venner 78, committed suicide at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris after condemning same-sex marriage on his blog.

Famous French actress and comedian, Ftigide Barjot (Virginie Tellene) – a born again Catholic is one of the main attractions at anti-gay rallies. She has fans among Jews, Catholics, Muslims and atheists.

World’s first same-sex was performed by Jewish Mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen, on April 1, 2001. The same-sex marriage among Jews, known as ‘Brit Ahava’to distinguish it from a heterosexual marriage have been performed in the United States for the last seven years.

US Vice-president Joe Biden in his speech at the Jewish-American Heritage Month event on May 21, lauded many Jewish achievements including their leading role in gay marriage.

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s pro-same-sex marriage campaign was mainly funded by Jewish money; billionaires Paul Singer, Daniel Leob and Clifford Assness, to name a few.

The French ?antisemites? against same-sex marriage | Rehmat's World