Medina strikes back after 9/11 comments


Truth feeder
Ted Oberg
Saturday, February 13th, 2010

One day after Republican candidate for governor Debra Medina’s insurgent campaign hit a speed bump, she’s striking back. After comments on Glenn Beck’s radio show Thursday that seemed to support 9/11 conspiracy theories, she says she was set up by her opponents.

“We’ve known that we would get to a point in the campaign that we are enough of a threat that we would get attacked,” she said.

In recent polls, Governor Perry still comfortably leads the Republican race, but Medina, a former nurse and Wharton County Republican Chairwoman, is close to or tied with Senator Hutchison.

You could almost see it happening the night of the first debate as the two experienced politicians attacked each other.

“I think Texas is ready for new leadership and this squabbling isn’t getting us anywhere,” Medina said during that first debate.

Her events got more crowded, her website busier, her message of limited government and state’s rights apparently hitting home.

“I want to see another choice for governor,” said supporter John Martin.

Medina sees Texas government as bloated, trying to do too much, and she feels the federal government is threatening Texas’ freedom. Her comments a year ago on secession got an awful lot of attention.*“We’ve known that we would get to a point in the campaign that we are enough of a threat that we would get attacked,” she said.

*Full article here

Medina also predicted “more of this” in her race against Gov. Rick Perry and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. She said there are no “high-profile kinds of scandals in my life that really are going to get people something to chew on. So they’re going to have to make some things up.”
